Cow in India is regarded as ‘Gaumaa’ and her urine is viewed as a miraculous remedy for a number of diseases. This divine substance has the power to treat diseases like diabetes, asthma, blood pressure, psoriasis, heart attack, eczema, artery blockage, AIDS, cancer, piles, arthritis, prostrate, migraine, ulcer, constipation, thyroid, acidity, gyne issues and many more.
Cow urine is the most competent natural disinfectant and antiseptic presently available to the consumers. It is not at all toxic as it is comprised of 95% of water, 24 salts, 2.5% of urea, 2.5% enzymes, and a mixture of minerals & hormones.
There are numerous Ayurvedic cow urine-based medicinal products available in the market that are being used for the treatment of varied diseases. Lacs of patients are using them to get quick and long-lasting relief. Many organizations are marketing the distilled cow urine as ‘Gou Arka’ for preventive health care.
The medically supervised use of cow urine or ‘Gomutra’ in combination with other cow products and ayurvedic herbs is popularly known as cow urine therapy. Though this spiritual remedy is in use since Vedas time the recent researches on cow’s urine has added more to cow urine therapy's benefits
Cow urine works directly on the body by acting as a toxic remover that cleanses the unwanted deposits in the body that results in illness. It also boosts up the immunity system of the individuals. Moreover, cow urine also improves the digestive system and stamina of absorbing the necessary nutrients.
The major component of cow urine therapy, ‘Gomutra’ is basically a brilliant therapeutic agent which is a powerful antibiotic and an amazing germicide. Hence, this effective cow urine therapy is capable to destroy all infection-causing organisms and to add, if a person/ patient consumes it regularly, it also helps in boosting his immunity.
‘Panchagavya’ is a group of 5 products obtained from cow, i.e. milk, curd, ghee, urine, and dung that is used as one of the prominent ingredients in different formulations used in cow urine therapy. There is mention in Ayurvedic literature about the effective treatment of epilepsy and leprosy. Present-day ayurvedic practitioners are also using cow urine-based preparations for the cure of different types of cancers, peptic ulcers, liver disorders, diabetes, asthma, and many other diseases and disorders.
A few of the multiple benefits of cow urine therapy include:
Some of the many diseases that have been cured 100% by regular and monitored use of cow urine are constipation, cough, migraine, dysmenorrhoea, and thyroid. Cow urine has solution for all human body ailments from minor skin diseases like acne, itching, ringworm, eczema to serious medical conditions like cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, heart diseases, male sexual disorders, diabetes mellitus, aids, blood disorders, respiratory disorders, psychiatric disorders, urological disorders, kidney shrinkage, asthma, and many others, all are curable to an extent if taken with required precautions.
Cow urine therapy not just helps in treating various diseases for which the modern medical system does not have secure solutions rather it also maintains the human body homeostasis. Here, it has a great impact on some specific body functions as it brings down the cholesterol level, improves memory, relieves tension, enhances the liver functioning, slows down the aging process, gives strength to heart, and brain. Cow urine also purifies detoxifies the body by destroying or removing the toxics/ medicinal residues from the body.
Cow urine or cow urine therapy has proven a ‘gift of God’ for the human race as it is believed to have supernatural powers since ancient times. Moreover, cow urine therapy of Jain’s Cow Urine Health Clinic, Indore, has got US patent for its scientifically approved properties.
You can consume cow urine as a regular routine even in the absence of any disease or illness. You will feel the magical differences in your health as it works wonderfully to boost your immunity. This is because cow urine therapy involves the effective combination of different cow products and many medicinal herbs which help in eliminating the harmful toxins from your body by generating antioxidants.
Diabetic patients have been benefited in a miraculous way by cow urine therapy. This is because the cow urine ark has substantially increased the wound healing in diabetic patients. Additionally, when it is used in combination with other cow products (milk, curd, ghee, and dung) and/ or medicinal herbs, it further intensifies wound healing because of its activity of increasing granulation tissue formation.
The anti-urolithiasis property of cow urine ark has worked effectively against the restoration of compromised renal function and renal calculi. Though more scientific studies are needed to evaluate its potential in treating damaged kidneys it has been studied that cow urine reduces the excretion of calcium oxalate and curb the process of deposition or crystallization.
Various researches have proved that cow urine has antioxidant properties, thus it helps in neutralizing and reducing the stress. Cow urine, the major constituent of cow urine therapy effectively repairs the damaged DNA, hence makes the therapy an effective anti-cancer therapy.
Dr. Jain and his fellow workers at his Indore clinic, has also studied the miraculous effects of CU on various types of cancers. He has treated many cancer patients at his clinic with this CUT (cow urine therapy) and found that CU helps in decreasing the severity of many clinical symptoms like pain, burning, inflammation, sensation, irritation, and difficulty in swallowing was reduced amazingly from day 1- day 10.
Although, cow urine therapy or CTU is a wondrous remedy for multiple diseases, yet, you need to be a little careful about its use. Never try self-medication, no matter how much you are impressed by the research or studies you have read about the magical results of CU.
It is always advised to consume cow urine under medical supervision to avoid any unwanted results (temporary) like itching, fever, diarrhoea, fatigue, soreness of the shoulder, etc. On the other hand, if you use it regularly with full faith and guided monitoring you will realize the potential healing power of this therapy.
Studies and researches have shown that patients suffering from the chronic disease who pursued cow urine therapy happily with a positive attitude observed the amazing cow urine therapy benefits in their physical and mental health in a very short period of 8-15 days.
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