
Colorectal cancer Treatment


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer worldwide, with an estimated 1.9 million new cases in 2020.

Colon cancer also known as colorectal cancer or bowel cancer refers to the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells in the region of your large intestine. It majorly affects the colon and rectum part of the intestine. Since the process of metastasis (a process through which cancer cells pass rapidly to the other organs of your body) is very rapid for this particular medical condition. 


Ayurveda with its natural healing process helps treat colon cancer from the root. It helps kill the formation of cancer cells in the affected area and promotes natural healing mechanisms. It uses various herbal remedies to treat colon cancer and improves metabolism of the body to fight against any disease. Ayurveda uses ancient methods to improve the overall well being of a human. It helps in - 

  • Killing formation of cancer cells. 
  • Reduces inflammation and pain.
  • Helps reduce rectal bleeding 
  • Improves bowel habits and movements 
  • Improves digestion 


Jain’s cow urine therapy clinic aims for a happy and healthy life by integrating ancient Ayurvedic knowledge with modern technology. Our therapy means cow urine including Ayurveda works on a person’s three doshas that are- The Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These tri-energies maintain our health, any imbalance in these doshas, is responsible for human’s health and disease. We are glad to say that we have seen so many positive results through our treatment. Thousands of people got rid of many diseases after taking our treatment.

Our patients not only put an end to their disease but also live a disease-free healthy life forever. This is the reason why people are getting attention towards our therapy. Our years of research in Ayurvedic treatments have helped us advance our methodology. We aim to reach as many people as we can to build a healthy and happy society all over the world.


Effective treatment using cow urine therapy -

Cow urine is said to have many medicinal properties like anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-infectious etc. It helps treat colorectal cancer and its symptoms. It reduces the pain, redness and inflammation. It promotes the natural healing process. Cow urine is very effective in treating various ailments along with cancer as it restricts the growth of cancer cells in the body and stops them from further spreading to different parts of the body. 







Key herbs which makes the treatement more effective

Kanchnar Guggul

Kachnar Guggul is an herbal formulation commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. It contains several natural ingredients, including Kachnar (Bauhinia variegata), Guggulu resin (Commiphora mukul), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), Black pepper (Piper nigrum), and Pippali (Piper longum).


Ashwagandha has been found to induce apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells, which may help in slowing down or stopping the growth of tumors. Ashwagandha also has anti-inflammatory properties that may help in reducing inflammation and preventing the growth of colorectal cancer cells.


Sahajana leaf extract had a significant inhibitory effect on the growth of colorectal cancer cells in vitro. This effect may be due to the presence of bioactive compounds in the extract, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, which have been shown to have anti-cancer properties.


One way in which tulsi may help in treating colorectal cancer is through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Colorectal cancer is often linked to chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, which can damage DNA and promote cancer growth. Tulsi contains compounds like eugenol, rosmarinic acid, and ursolic acid, which have been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.


Pippali has been found to contain several bioactive compounds, such as piperlongumine and piperine, which have been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.


Antioxidant properties: Atibala contains a range of compounds that have antioxidant properties, including flavonoids and polyphenols. Antioxidants can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which can contribute to the development of cancer. By reducing oxidative stress in the body, Atibala may help prevent the development of colorectal cancer or slow its progression.


Nagkesar has been found to induce programmed cell death (apoptosis) in cancer cells, leading to their destruction. Nagkesar may also inhibit the growth and division of cancer cells, thereby preventing the spread of the disease. It has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation and prevent the progression of the disease.


Lodhra chal extract had anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Chronic inflammation is thought to play a role in the development of colorectal cancer, so compounds with anti-inflammatory properties could potentially be beneficial in preventing or treating the disease.


Chitrak contains several bioactive compounds, including plumbagin, which has been found to exhibit antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. It is believed that plumbagin may work by inhibiting the growth and proliferation of cancer cells and inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells.


Fennel seeds are a rich source of antioxidants and phytonutrients, which are compounds that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.


Kulanjan extract inhibited the growth of colorectal cancer cells and induced cell death. It has been widely used for its anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and anti-tumor properties


We use gojala in our cow-urine therapy, basically it means cow-urine extract, the main component in our medicine. This extract is made of the urine of the indigenous breeds of cow. Gojala has its own benefits because it’s beyond the possibility of any kind of contamination. It has high quality and is abundant. When gojala mixed with ayurvedic herbs it becomes more effective to treat any disease and favourable to the consequence of the particular disease. This extract is superimly tested and that’s why it’s more trustable and beneficial as well.

Causes -

Colorectal cancer is a complex disease with multiple risk factors that can increase a person's likelihood of developing it. 

  • Age is a significant risk factor, with the risk of developing colorectal cancer increasing with age. 
  • Family history is also an important factor, as certain inherited genetic mutations can increase the risk of developing this type of cancer.
  • Personal history of colon polyps or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are also risk factors, as is poor diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, and heavy alcohol consumption. 
  • Medical conditions such as Type 2 diabetes and obesity have also been linked to an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. By understanding these risk factors, individuals can take steps to reduce their risk of developing this deadly disease.

Prevention - 

Colorectal cancer is a common and deadly disease, but there are several steps that individuals can take to reduce their risk of developing it.

  • Regular screenings are crucial in detecting the disease early, when it is most treatable. 
  • A healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and low in processed foods and red meat can also help reduce the risk. 
  • Regular exercise, quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol consumption, and knowing your 
  • Family history is also an important factor in reducing the risk of developing colorectal cancer. 

By taking these steps, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of developing this deadly disease and improve their overall health.


Symptoms and types - 

Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that affects the colon and rectum. The symptoms of colorectal cancer may vary depending on the location and stage of the cancer. Here are some common symptoms:

  • Changes in bowel habits.

  • Blood in the stool.

  • Abdominal discomfort.

  • Unexplained weight loss.

  • Fatigue.

  • Narrow stools.


Colorectal cancer is a serious disease that can have a significant impact on a person's life. There are several different types of colorectal cancer, each with its own unique characteristics and treatment options. The most common type of colorectal cancer are - 

  • Adenocarcinoma, which arises from the glandular cells that line the colon and rectum. Carcinoid tumors are rare and usually slow-growing.

  • Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) arise from the muscle or connective tissue in the wall of the colon or rectum.

  • Lymphoma and sarcomas are also rare types of colorectal cancer that can occur in the lymphatic system or the muscle/connective tissue of the colon or rectum. Understanding the different types of colorectal cancer is important in determining the best treatment approach for each individual case.


Colorectal cancer is a serious disease that can progress through several stages.


  • The earliest stage, called carcinoma in situ or Stage 0, is when cancer cells are found only in the innermost layer of the colon or rectum and have not spread to nearby tissues or lymph nodes. 
  • Stage I is when the cancer has grown into the next layer of the colon or rectum, but has not spread beyond it. 
  • Stage II is when the cancer has grown through the wall of the colon or rectum into nearby tissues, but has not spread to nearby lymph nodes. 
  • Stage III is when the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, but has not spread to other parts of the body. 
  • The most advanced stage, Stage IV, is when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver or lungs. Early detection and treatment are crucial in improving the chances of survival for people with colorectal cancer.

Complication - 

Colorectal cancer is a serious disease that can lead to a range of complications. 

  • Bowel obstruction is a common complication, as the cancer can block the bowel and cause abdominal pain, bloating, and constipation. 
  • Metastasis, where the cancer spreads to other organs like the liver, lungs, or bones, can lead to additional health problems. 
  • Bleeding from the rectum is also a complication that can result in anemia and weakness. In rare cases, colorectal cancer can perforate the bowel wall, leading to infection and sepsis. 
  • Fistula, an abnormal connection between the bowel and another organ, can also form as a result of cancer and cause infections and other complications. 
  • Surgery is often used to treat colorectal cancer, but it can lead to complications such as infection, bleeding, and blood clots. 



What Ayurvedic treatments are available for colorectal cancer?

Ayurveda super speciality Jain’s cow urine therapy is an effective treatment for colorectal cancer. It typically involves a combination of herbal remedies, and detoxification therapies. Specific treatments may vary depending on the individual's dosha type and other health factors.

Can Ayurvedic treatments cure colorectal cancer?

Our ayurvedic treatments can help to manage the symptoms of colorectal cancer and may be used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. However, there is currently no evidence to suggest that Ayurveda can cure colorectal cancer on its own.

Can Ayurvedic treatments prevent colorectal cancer?

Adopting our treatment may help to reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

How can Jain's Cowurine Therapy support individuals with Colorectal Cancer?

For those with colorectal cancer, Jain's Cowurine Therapy provides Ayurvedic remedies that could supplement traditional medical care.

Are there specific products from Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Colorectal Cancer?

View our selection of Ayurvedic products that promote overall health, including products that might help those dealing with colorectal cancer.

Are there specific products from Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Colorectal Cancer?

For a holistic strategy to managing colorectal cancer, consult with healthcare professionals to ascertain whether combining our products with chemotherapy is appropriate.

Is Cowurine Therapy safe for long-term use in individuals with Colorectal Cancer?

To evaluate the safety and suitability of long-term usage of Jain's Cowurine Therapy for patients with colorectal cancer, consultation with healthcare specialists is advised.

How does Jain's Cowurine Therapy address symptoms associated with Colorectal Cancer?

Ayurvedic ingredients in our products may offer support for various symptoms, promoting comfort and well-being for individuals dealing with the effects of Colorectal Cancer.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy improve the quality of life for individuals with Colorectal Cancer?

Our holistic approach aims to contribute to overall well-being, potentially enhancing the quality of life for individuals facing the challenges of Colorectal Cancer.

How often should I use Jain's Cowurine Therapy products for Colorectal Cancer support?

Follow the usage instructions provided with our products. Consulting with healthcare professionals for personalized guidance on the frequency of use is advisable.

Is Cowurine Therapy suitable for individuals at different stages of Colorectal Cancer?

Consult with healthcare providers to determine the appropriateness of Jain's Cowurine Therapy based on the specific stage and individual health conditions of Colorectal Cancer.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy prevent the recurrence of Colorectal Cancer?

While not a preventive measure, our Ayurvedic approach may support overall health, potentially contributing to a well-rounded approach to preventing the recurrence of Colorectal Cancer.

Are there dietary recommendations to follow along with Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Colorectal Cancer?

Yes, our experts may provide dietary suggestions that complement the benefits of Cowurine Therapy, catering to the specific needs of individuals dealing with Colorectal Cancer.

Are there any side effects associated with using Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Colorectal Cancer?

Our products are crafted from natural ingredients, minimizing the risk of adverse effects. However, it's advisable to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy be used as a standalone treatment for Colorectal Cancer?

Our products are intended to complement conventional treatments. Consultation with healthcare professionals is crucial for a comprehensive approach to managing Colorectal Cancer.

Where can I purchase Jain's Cowurine Therapy products for Colorectal Cancer support?

Visit our official website or authorized distributors to purchase genuine Jain's Cowurine Therapy products designed to offer Ayurvedic support for individuals dealing with Colorectal Cancer.

How does Cowurine Therapy work specifically for individuals with Colorectal Cancer in the colon?

Jain's Cowurine Therapy products may contain herbs and compounds traditionally used in Ayurveda to address Colorectal Cancer in the colon, potentially aiding individuals with this specific condition.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy be used in palliative care for Colorectal Cancer?

Consult with healthcare providers to explore the potential benefits of incorporating Jain's Cowurine Therapy in palliative care for individuals dealing with the challenges of Colorectal Cancer.

What sets Jain's Cowurine Therapy apart in addressing Colorectal Cancer?

Our unique Ayurvedic formulations focus on holistic well-being, incorporating traditional wisdom to offer comprehensive support for individuals with Colorectal Cancer.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy be used alongside radiotherapy for Colorectal Cancer?

Consult with healthcare professionals to determine the compatibility of combining our products with radiotherapy for a comprehensive approach to managing Colorectal Cancer.