
Ayurvedic Treatment for Pancreatitis


Acute pancreatitis is considered a common condition in India, especially in urban areas. According to a study published in the Indian Journal of Gastroenterology in 2018, the incidence of acute pancreatitis in India was estimated to be around 13-45 cases per 100,000 population per year. Ayurvedic treatment for pancreatitis is very effective.

Pancreatitis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation of the pancreas, which is a gland located behind the stomach that helps in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels. Pancreatitis can be either acute (sudden and severe) or chronic (long-term).

Acute pancreatitis occurs when digestive enzymes become activated while still in the pancreas, causing inflammation and damage to the gland. Common causes of acute pancreatitis include gallstones, alcohol consumption, certain medications, high levels of triglycerides in the blood, infections, and trauma to the abdomen.

Ayurvedic treatment for pancreatitis aims to reduce inflammation, promote healing of the pancreas, and improve digestion and metabolism. The primary focus is on restoring balance to the body, which is believed to be the key to good health.


Jain’s cow urine therapy clinic aims for a happy and healthy life by integrating ancient Ayurvedic knowledge with modern technology. Our therapy means cow urine including Ayurveda works on a person’s three doshas that are- The Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These tri-energies maintain our health, any imbalance in these doshas, is responsible for human’s health and disease. We are glad to say that we have seen so many positive results through our treatment. Thousands of people got rid of many diseases after taking our treatment.

Our patients not only put an end to their disease but also live a disease-free healthy life forever. This is the reason why people are getting attention towards our therapy. Our years of research in Ayurvedic treatments have helped us advance our methodology. We aim to reach as many people as we can to build a healthy and happy society all over the world.

Effective Treatment By Cow Urine Therapy

Jain’s Cow Urine Therapy promotes Ayurvedic remedies, treatments and therapies that are known worldwide for their efficient results.

Cow urine treatment helps to reduce the harmful symptoms of pancreatitis such as reducing sudden abdominal pain and increasing metabolism. Cow urine therapy for pancreatitis also improves digestion and reduces the chances of chronic fever.






Key herbs which makes the treatement more effective

Kanchnar Guggul

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of Kanchnar helps in treating Pancreatitis. Because of its Ropan (healing) property, Kachnar is well suited for Pancreatitis as it supports rapid healing. It also controls excessive gastric juice secretion and also avoids ulcer symptoms because of its Kashaya (astringent) and Sita (cold) characteristics.


This herb deals with issues with stomach worms and inflammation. Sahajana is effective to help treat pancreatitis which is a painful and debilitating disease of the digestive system. It contains glucosinolates compounds that are inhibited by this herb.


Due to its (digestive) properties, Giloy helps minimize digestion-related issues such as indigestion, hyperacidity, pancreatitis and flatulence. This wonderful plant has strong anti-inflammatory properties that alleviate inflammation, gastritis, acidity, bloating, constipation and appetite loss.


Ashwagandha includes chemicals that can help relax the brain, lower blood pressure, minimize swelling (inflammation) and change the immune system. It is blessed by the Gunas of Laghu (light) and Snigdha (oily). It has Ushna Virya and Madhura Vipaka (hot potency) (pungent metabolic property). The Pitta doshas (digestion) are exacerbated and Vata (air) and Kapha (earth and water) doshas are pacified.


Kalmegh is commonly used as an agent for the stomach, tonic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, immunostimulatory and anti-oxidant application. The most active concept present in the plant attributing medicinal action to the treatment of pancreatitis is Andrographolide.


The host of bioactive ingredients in Punarnava balances the Tridoshas and manages to pacify the doshas of Vata (i.e. air) and Kapha (i.e. soil and water) and efficiently eliminates contaminants from the body from the AMA doshas. Punarnava is highly important in supporting the digestive system and treating pancreatitis with therapeutic components.


Amla has been long used for the prevention of gastrointestinal problems including pancreatitis, heartburn, ulcers and indigestion in traditional Indian medicine. By decreasing gastric acid and pepsin output and increasing the defensive mucus secretion of the stomach, Amla does also treat pancreatitis.

Kali Mirch

Kali Mirch has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to relieve pancreatitis and stomach ulcers (or peptic ulcers, as they are also called). It also fights concerns resulting from injury to the stomach mucosa.


It is commonly recognized for its skin-healing and antibacterial effects. Interestingly, ghirtkumari may be an effective treatment for pancreatitis in the stomach. Ghritkumari lowers the volume of stomach acid considerably and avoids pancreatitis.


For the stomach, Jeera is a very fine herb. It helps to get rid of bloating and acidity and gives relief from indigestion. Jeera is highly helpful in treating pancreatitis and serves as a painkiller.


It is a good source of antioxidants and therefore may be capable of preventing tissue damage, it can protect the pancreas tissues from lipid peroxidation. To relieve abdominal and intestinal problems such as pancreatitis, constipation, bloating and gastritis, Sonth is effectively used.


The powerful antioxidants in fennel such as vitamin C and quercetin can help reduce inflammation and levels of inflammatory markers. For stomach problems, including stomach pain, bloating, gas, and constipation, Saunf has traditionally been used. It stimulates digestion and eliminates bloating. It also calms the lining of the stomach and during acidity, relieves the burning feeling.


This herb is highly aromatic and contains numerous biological functions. It is the best source of antimicrobial, anti-ulcerative, nutrient and mineral antioxidants. This battles multiple diseases of fungi. It is used in the body to pacify vitiated Vata and Kapha doshas.


Pudina leaves help to treat problems with gastritis, ulcers and to improve the liver. It is rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients and menthol which assist in food digestion through enzymes. It is often understood that Pudina calms stomach cramps and manages to beat acidity and flatulence.


Ajwain is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine as a household treatment for intestinal problems. Pancreatitis and sores of the esophagus, liver or small intestine may be combated with Ajwain seed extract.

Kala Namak

Kala namak has alkaline properties that help minimize the excess acid in the stomach while reducing the harm caused by acid reflux due to its high mineral content. It helps improve digestion and relieves bowel gas as well.

Neem chhal

Neem extract nimbolide can stop pancreatitis well. Neem chhal extract can reduce metastasis without harming normal, healthy cells and produces substantial reductions in acid output and activity in gastric fluid.


Shatavari has nutrients that have been shown to play a part in protecting or helping to treat pancreatitis. It possesses anti-inflammatory activity which is of particular therapeutic importance to treat this condition.


Mulethi root is considered an excellent remedy for various disorders of the pancreas. The anti-inflammatory properties of mulethi have high importance. It is laden with anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the pain and swelling which is linked to pancreatitis.


By protecting the mucus lining of the stomach and inhibiting the development of this disease, Curcumin may have beneficial effects. Haldi's extract curcumin is used to treat pancreatitis. Curcumin can be used as a preventative measure for pancreatitis.

Elaichi Powder

In addition to accelerating digestion, elaichi tends to decrease heartburn and other gastrointestinal diseases. The most studied property of Elaichi is its potential capacity to treat pancreatitis, as it relieves gastrointestinal disorders.


Ghee is known for the consistency of Ropana- healing and its usefulness in promoting wound recovery. When a person has chronic pancreatitis or gastritis in Ayurveda, Ghee is used within the intestinal tract to treat the disease.

Jaiphal Powder

Jaiphal powder is useful in the treatment of pancreatitis because, without any side effects, it decreases the total acidity of gastric secretions. In the treatment of gastrointestinal conditions such as indigestion, it might be useful. It serves as a strong digestive agent and thereby avoids pancreatitis by facilitating digestion.

Lawang Powder

It can alleviate pancreatitis in the stomach. It could be handled by the compounds present in Lawang powder. It has carminative effects and peristalsis helps strengthen it. It helps in digestion by improving intestinal power and reducing stomach acidity because of the high magnesium content.

Shuddha Shilajit

Shilajit increases the number of cells of the pancreas, i.e. pancreatic trophic action which may result in better sensitivity of pancreatic-cells with the prompt secretion of a large quantity of insulin in response to hyperglycemia. The anti-inflammatory properties of the bioactive components found in shuddha shilajit have a high significance. It further enables the regeneration of tissues and thus promotes wound healing.


We use gojala in our cow-urine therapy, basically it means cow-urine extract, the main component in our medicine. This extract is made of the urine of the indigenous breeds of cow. Gojala has its own benefits because it’s beyond the possibility of any kind of contamination. It has high quality and is abundant. When gojala mixed with ayurvedic herbs it becomes more effective to treat any disease and favourable to the consequence of the particular disease. This extract is superimly tested and that’s why it’s more trustable and beneficial as well.

Quality of Life

Cow urine treatment brings good health and keeps the doshas in balance. Today as a result of our treatment people are constantly improving their health. It improves the quality of their daily life. Ayurvedic medicines along with cow urine can serve as a complementary therapy to reduce various side effects that come from using heavy doses, mental pressure, radiations and chemotherapies. We guide people on how to live a happy and tension-free life with an untreatable disease if any. Thousands of people live a balanced life after taking our therapy and it’s a big achievement for us to give them a life they dream of.

Complication Prevention

Gomutra has a unique significance in Ayurveda, which has also been shown to be useful for terrible diseases like pancreatitis. Our years of hard work show that many complications of pancreatitis disappear with the use of our herbal medicines. Sufferers tell us that they see a major relief in stomach ache, smooth and foul-smelling stool, Diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, anemia, weight loss, decreased insulin production, inability to digest food, jaundice problem. We improve the immune system of the patient with our treatment which works against other complications of pancreatitis.

Life Expectancy

Cow urine remedy is itself a number of desires if we are speaking approximately a person’s existence expectancy. Any ailment either it’s small or to a critical degree, comes with a poor effect on a human’s body and exists for some years, sometimes for a lifetime. Once the disorder is recognized, existence expectancy is short but no longer with cow-urine therapy. Our historic remedy now not most effectively relieves the disease but additionally will increase the lifestyles-span of that individual without leaving any toxins in his bloodstream and that is our ultimate purpose.

Reducing Drug Dependency

“Sarve bhavantu sukhinah, Sarve santu niramayah, Sarve bhadrani pashyantu, Maa kaschit dukha bhag-bhavet”, it means let all be cheerful, let all be loose from sickness, let all see the reality, may no-one revel in struggling. By means of following this motto, we need our society to be like this. Our remedy accomplishes this by means of giving a reliable remedy, improving life expectancy and lowering the drug dependency of affected people. In this contemporary society, our remedy has more benefits and fewer drawbacks than any existing medicinal solutions. 

Reducing Recurrence Chances

Far apart from wide-ranging scientific practice, our focal point is on the root purpose of the disease and its elements that may also enhance the possibilities of disorder recurrence instead of focusing solely on the administration of the disease. By the use of this method, we are successfully dropping recurrence rates and giving a new path to the people's lifestyles so that they can stay their life in a higher way each emotionally and physically.

Causes of Pancreatitis

The following reasons can be responsible for inflammation in the pancreas -

  • Alcohol abuse

Individuals who consume an excessive amount of alcohol for a long time in their life may have a pancreatitis problem. The harmful elements present in alcohol make the enzymes highly active, resulting in inflammation in the person's pancreas.

  • Smoking

Long-term consumption beyond the limit of smoking can be attributed to a person having pancreatitis. Due to excessive consumption of harmful substances called nicotine present in cigarettes, these elements continuously activate the enzyme thereby the healthy cells of the pancreas start to get affected and the person's pancreas gets swollen.

  • Food ingredient

Certain nutritional factors such as high levels of fat or fiber in the diet, high amounts of protein, high levels of triglyceride fat in the blood, high calcium levels in the blood etc. can cause pancreatitis.

  • Autoimmune disorder

When the body's immune system attacks the healthy cells of the pancreas as harmful to the body, these cells are damaged or destroyed.

  • Infection

In some circumstances, infection by virus or parasite, fungus and HIV infection can affect the pancreas and cause inflammation in them, causing the person to have a condition of pancreatitis.

  • Gallstones

Small stones formed in the gallbladder cause inflammation in the pancreas which can lead to pancreatitis.

  • Family history

A family history of pancreatitis can affect another member of the same family. That is, if a member of a family has ever had pancreatitis, it is possible that the other member may also have this disease because of their family history. 

  • Other reason

Other causes include any stomach injury or wound, pancreatic cancer, narrow or blocked pancreatic duct, hereditary factors such as cystic fibrosis, exposure to certain chemicals, Reye's syndrome, Kawasaki disease, excessive body weight etc. can cause this problem.

Prevention from Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis can be overcome by adopting a healthy lifestyle, for which a person should make the following efforts -

  • A person should completely abandon habits like consuming excessive amounts of alcohol.
  • One should avoid excessive smoking.
  • One should maintain a healthy weight and try to reduce the increased weight.
  • One should avoid consuming a high-fat food.
  • One should avoid long-term use of painkillers to avoid side effects.
  • A person should make various efforts to keep his immune system strong.
  • One should consume more water and fluids.
  • Activities like regular exercise, yoga and exercise can reduce the risk of pancreatitis.
  • Information on the family history of pancreatitis can help a person survive its acute condition.

Symptoms of Pancreatitis

Symptoms and signs that a person may experience based on the types of pancreatitis include -

Symptoms of Acute Pancreatitis

  • Sudden abdominal pain
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Pain increases after meals
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Stomach bloating
  • A sudden drop in weight
  • Fever
  • Indigestion
  • Sour burping
  • Having a headache
  • Physical fatigue, lethargy and weakness
  • Irritation
  • Confusion or difficulty concentrating

Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis

  • Low or normal abdominal pain
  • Smooth and foul smell
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Anemia
  • Weight loss
  • Increase in pain over time
  • Decreased insulin production
  • Inability to digest food
  • Having jaundice


Types of Pancreatitis

Types of pancreatitis include-

  • Acute pancreatitis

Sudden pancreatitis is a condition known as acute pancreatitis that lasts for a long time. Gallstones are thought to be the main cause of acute pancreatitis. Small stones in the gallbladder cause inhibition of the pathway of an enzyme in the pancreas. This causes sudden swelling in both the bile duct and pancreas. The condition of acute pancreatitis can be moderate to severe and fatal.

  • Chronic pancreatitis

The long-term condition of pancreatitis is called chronic pancreatitis which is related to prolonged permanent inflammation. The condition of chronic pancreatitis is often followed by acute pancreatitis which is mainly due to excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking. In persons suffering from chronic pancreatitis, there can be permanent damage to the pancreas and he starts having problems like pancreatic failure with severe pain.

Complications of Pancreatitis

A person suffering from pancreatitis may face the following complications -

  • When the gland is swollen due to pancreatitis, it causes bleeding, infection and gland damage in the gland and surrounding blood vessels.
  • This condition can cause blockage in the bile ducts.
  • Pancreatitis can also cause fluid-filled sacs in the pancreas.
  • Pancreatitis can cause pancreatic duct rupture which is the small intestine's duct carrying pancreatic juice.
  • Chronic pancreatitis can cause pancreatic cancer.
  • Pancreatitis can cause stones and ulcers to develop in the pancreas.
  • This condition can cause diabetes.
  • The person may have liver problems.
  • Pancreatitis can cause permanent damage to the pancreas gland.
  • This problem can prove fatal for a person.



Can Ayurveda cure pancreatitis?

Our Ayurvedic treatment can help manage the symptoms of pancreatitis and improve overall health, but it cannot cure the condition completely. Our treatment for pancreatitis focuses on reducing inflammation, promoting healing of the pancreas, and improving digestion and metabolism.

What is the best Ayurvedic treatment for pancreatitis?

The best Ayurvedic treatment for pancreatitis depends on the individual case and may involve a combination Jain's cow urine therapy and the use of natural herbs and remedies. Some commonly used herbs for pancreatitis include turmeric, aloe vera, triphala, licorice root, and ginger.

Can Ayurveda help prevent pancreatitis?

Our ayurvedic treatment can help prevent pancreatitis by promoting a healthy lifestyle and improving digestive system through ayurveda super speciality jain's cow urine therapy.

How long does it take for Ayurvedic treatment to work for pancreatitis?

The length of time it takes for our Ayurvedic treatment to work for pancreatitis depends on the individual case and the severity of the condition. Some people may experience relief of symptoms within a few weeks of starting treatment, while others may take several months to see improvement.

What is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is defined by Jain's Cowurine Therapy as inflammation of the pancreas, an organ essential for digestion and blood sugar control.

What causes pancreatitis?

According to Jain's Cowurine Therapy, gallstones, infections, alcoholism, and some drugs can all result in pancreatitis.

What are the symptoms of pancreatitis?

Abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, and fever are among the symptoms that Jain's Cowurine Therapy lists as typical signs of pancreatitis.

How is pancreatitis diagnosed?

According to Jain's Cowurine Therapy, diagnostic techniques include imaging examinations, blood tests, and occasionally a pancreas biopsy for confirmation.

Is pancreatitis a chronic condition?

Indeed, pancreatitis can persist for a long time, and Jain's Cowurine Therapy highlights how crucial it is to treat the illness in order to maintain long-term health.

Can diet influence pancreatitis?

A low-fat diet and abstaining from alcohol may help manage pancreatitis and prevent flare-ups, according to Jain's Cowurine Therapy.

Can Cow Urine Therapy help with pancreatitis?

Jain's Cow Urine Therapy promotes the possible advantages of Cow Urine Therapy in promoting general health; nevertheless, in cases of pancreatitis, seek medical advice.

Are there natural remedies for pancreatitis?

Herbs like ginger and turmeric can be used as natural adjuncts for pancreatitis, provided expert supervision is obtained, according to Jain's Cowurine Therapy.

How is acute pancreatitis different from chronic?

Acute pancreatitis occurs quickly and severely, but chronic pancreatitis develops gradually and harms a person over time, according to Jain's Cowurine Therapy.

Can pancreatitis lead to diabetes?

Indeed, chronic pancreatitis can affect insulin production, which may lead to diabetes, as shown by Jain's Cowurine Therapy.

Is smoking linked to pancreatitis?

The association between smoking and an increased risk of pancreatitis, especially chronic pancreatitis, is illustrated by Jain's Cowurine Therapy.

Can stress contribute to pancreatitis?

Stress management may be beneficial for overall health because stress is believed to play a potential contributing role in pancreatitis, according to Jain's Cowurine Therapy.

How is pancreatitis treated?

Treatments including enzyme supplements, pain management, and lifestyle modifications are described in Jain's Cowurine Therapy; hospitalisation is necessary for severe instances.

Can alcohol consumption cause pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is frequently caused by excessive alcohol consumption, hence moderation or abstinence from alcohol is advised by Jain's Cowurine Therapy to avoid the illness.

What is the role of the pancreas in digestion?

According to Jain's Cowurine Therapy, the pancreas generates digestive enzymes that are essential for the small intestine to break down food.

Is pancreatitis contagious?

Jain's Cowurine Therapy emphasises that pancreatitis occurs as a result of specific conditions affecting the pancreas; it is not communicable.