
Gum cancer Treatment


The World Health Organization states that oral cancer ranks eleventh in terms of the common cancers around the world. Gum cancer is a relatively rare type of cancer, accounting for less than 10% of all oral cancers.

It is commonly found in men and its spread is slightly higher in developing countries.

Gum cancer is a serious medical condition in which cells in the upper or lower gums grow out of control and turn into lesions and tumours if not treated on time. 

Ayurveda recommends herbal remedies, such as turmeric, neem, and ashwagandha, to support the immune system and promote healing. Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine that originated in India and focuses on balancing the body, mind, and spirit to promote health and prevent disease. That being said, Ayurveda may be used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatment to help manage symptoms of gum cancer and improve overall well-being. It helps in - 

  • Reduces swelling around gums 
  • Smoothens mouth movements 
  • Reduces inflammation 
  • Reduces lymphs around neck and oral region


Jain’s cow urine therapy clinic aims for a happy and healthy life by integrating ancient Ayurvedic knowledge with modern technology. Our therapy means cow urine including Ayurveda works on a person’s three doshas that are- The Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These tri-energies maintain our health, any imbalance in these doshas, is responsible for human’s health and disease. We are glad to say that we have seen so many positive results through our treatment. Thousands of people got rid of many diseases after taking our treatment.

Our patients not only put an end to their disease but also live a disease-free healthy life forever. This is the reason why people are getting attention towards our therapy. Our years of research in Ayurvedic treatments have helped us advance our methodology. We aim to reach as many people as we can to build a healthy and happy society all over the world.

Effective treatment by cow urine therapy -

Cow urine is said to have many medicinal properties like anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-infectious etc. It helps treat gum cancer and its symptoms. It reduces the pain in swollen gums, redness and inflammation. It promotes the natural healing process. Cow urine is very effective in treating various ailments along with cancer as it restricts the growth of cancer cells in the body and stops them from further spreading to different parts of the body. 








Key herbs which makes the treatement more effective

Kali Mirch

Kali mirch, or black pepper, contains a bioactive compound called piperine which has been studied for its potential anti-cancer properties. However, there is limited evidence to support the use of black pepper or piperine for the treatment of gum cancer specifically.


Ashwagandha, also known as Withania somnifera, is a herb commonly used in ayurvedic medicine for its numerous health benefits. It may have anti-cancer properties that could potentially be beneficial in treating gum cancer. It also provides relief from pain and inflammation.


Sahajna herb contains various bioactive compounds, such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, and glucosinolates, that have been shown to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. These properties may help to prevent or slow the growth of cancer cells in the body, including those in the gums.


Sariva is considered to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties, which may make it a potential natural remedy for cancer treatment. These properties may help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, both of which are thought to contribute to the development of cancer. Additionally, Sariva is believed to have a detoxifying effect on the body, which may help to eliminate harmful toxins and support the immune system.


Kalmegh contains compounds such as andrographolide, which has been found to have anti-cancer properties. Some studies have shown that andrographolide can induce apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells, inhibit cancer cell proliferation and migration, and enhance the immune system's ability to fight cancer.


Tulsi contains phytochemicals such as eugenol, rosmarinic acid, and apigenin, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer properties. These properties may help to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are known to play a role in the development and progression of cancer.


Ginger, one of the main ingredients in Trikatu, contains a compound called gingerol, which has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This could potentially help to reduce inflammation in the gums, which is a common symptom of gum cancer. Similarly, black pepper and long pepper have been found to possess anti-cancer properties in some studies.


Pippli, also known as long pepper, is a traditional medicinal plant that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. While there is limited scientific evidence on the specific effects of pippli on gum cancer, some studies suggest that it may have anti-cancer properties.


We use gojala in our cow-urine therapy, basically it means cow-urine extract, the main component in our medicine. This extract is made of the urine of the indigenous breeds of cow. Gojala has its own benefits because it’s beyond the possibility of any kind of contamination. It has high quality and is abundant. When gojala mixed with ayurvedic herbs it becomes more effective to treat any disease and favourable to the consequence of the particular disease. This extract is superimly tested and that’s why it’s more trustable and beneficial as well.

Causes - 

Gum cancer, also known as oral cancer or mouth cancer, can develop as a result of a variety of factors. Some of the common causes of gum cancer include:

  • Tobacco use: Smoking or chewing tobacco is one of the most significant risk factors for developing gum cancer. The harmful chemicals in tobacco can damage the cells in the gums and mouth, leading to cancer.
  • Alcohol consumption: Heavy drinking can also increase the risk of gum cancer. Alcohol can damage the cells in the gums and mouth, and when combined with tobacco use, the risk is even higher.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV): Some strains of HPV are known to increase the risk of developing oral cancers, including gum cancer.
  • Sun exposure: Prolonged exposure to the sun can increase the risk of developing lip cancer, which can spread to the gums and other parts of the mouth.
  • Poor oral hygiene: Neglecting to brush and floss regularly can cause gum disease, which can increase the risk of gum cancer.
  • Genetics: Some people may be genetically predisposed to developing gum cancer, especially if they have a family history of the disease.
  • Weakened immune system: People with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS or who are undergoing chemotherapy, may have an increased risk of developing gum cancer.

Prevention - 

Gum cancer, also known as oral cancer, can be prevented by taking certain measures to reduce your risk factors. Here are some ways to prevent gum cancer:

  • Don't smoke or use tobacco products
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Practice good oral hygiene
  • Visit your dentist regularly
  • Protect your lips from the sun
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Avoid exposure to HPV

Symptoms - 

Gum cancer, also known as oral cancer or mouth cancer, refers to cancerous growth that occurs in the tissues of the mouth, including the gums. Symptoms of gum cancer can include:

  • Pain or soreness in the mouth that doesn't go away
  • A lump or thickening in the gums or other tissues of the mouth
  • Red or white patches on the gums, tongue, or other tissues in the mouth
  • Difficulty chewing, swallowing, or speaking
  • A feeling that something is caught in the throat
  • Unexplained bleeding in the mouth
  • Loose teeth or a change in the way dentures fit
  • A persistent earache
  • Numbness or tingling in the mouth or lips
  • Swollen lymph nodes in the neck

Types of gum cancer - 

Gum cancer is a rare form of oral cancer that can develop in any part of the gums. There are several types of gum cancer, including:
Squamous cell carcinoma: This is the most common type of gum cancer. It usually starts in the thin, flat cells that line the gums and other parts of the mouth.

  • Adenocarcinoma: This type of cancer begins in the glandular cells of the gums.
  • Mucoepidermoid carcinoma: This is a rare type of gum cancer that starts in the mucous and epidermal cells of the gums.
  • Melanoma: This is a type of skin cancer that can develop on the gums or other parts of the mouth.
  • Sarcoma: This is a rare type of gum cancer that starts in the connective tissue of the gums.

Stages - 

Gum cancer, also known as oral cancer or oral cavity cancer, can be divided into four stages, based on the size and extent of the tumor, as well as the degree of its spread to other parts of the body.

  • Stage 1: The tumor is less than or equal to 2 cm in size, and has not spread to nearby lymph nodes or other parts of the body.
  • Stage 2: The tumor is larger than 2 cm but less than or equal to 4 cm, and has not spread to nearby lymph nodes or other parts of the body.
  • Stage 3: The tumor is larger than 4 cm, and may have spread to nearby lymph nodes, but has not yet metastasized (spread) to other parts of the body.
  • Stage 4: The tumor has grown into nearby tissues and structures, and may have spread to Lymph nodes and other parts of the body.

Complications - 

Gum cancer, also known as oral cancer, can have serious complications if left untreated or not detected early. Here are some of the potential complications:


  • Spread of cancer: If gum cancer is not detected and treated early, it can spread to other parts of the mouth, neck, and head, as well as other parts of the body. This can make treatment more difficult and decrease the chances of survival.
  • Disfigurement: If gum cancer progresses and requires surgery, it can lead to disfigurement of the face and mouth. This can have a significant impact on a person's self-esteem and quality of life.
  • Difficulty eating and speaking: Depending on the location and extent of the cancer, it can make it difficult to eat, speak, and swallow. This can affect a person's ability to get proper nutrition and communicate effectively.
  • Chronic pain: Gum cancer can cause chronic pain in the mouth, throat, and jaw, which can be difficult to manage.
  • Recurrence: Even after treatment, gum cancer can recur. Regular follow-up appointments with a healthcare provider are necessary to monitor for any signs of recurrence.
  • Psychological impact: Gum cancer can have a significant psychological impact on patients and their families, including anxiety, depression, and fear of recurrence.




How is gum cancer treated in Ayurveda?

Gum cancer is a severe disease which can be treated with our treatment which uses all the natural herbs to promote natural healing and reduce the pain in gums. Our treatment works on the root cause of the disease and effectively work on reducing the side effects caused by it.

What are the herbal remedies used in Ayurvedic treatment for gum cancer?

Some of the herbal remedies that may be used in Ayurvedic treatment for gum cancer include: Triphala: It is believed to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Turmeric: This spice is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It can be consumed in the form of capsules or added to food. Ashwagandha: This herb is known for its immune-boosting properties and may help reduce the risk of cancer. Guggulu: This resin has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and may help improve oral health. Neem: This herb has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the gums.

Can Ayurveda cure gum cancer completely?

Ayurveda cannot cure gum cancer but it can help support the treatment by providing the natural herbal remedies to treat the symptoms of gum cancer. Ayurveda super speciality Jain's cow urine therapy help treat various diseases and cancer by using ancient old remedies and by using the medicinal properties of all the herbs.

Is Ayurvedic treatment safe for all patients?

Yes our treatment is 100% natural and safe with no side effects or any chemicals used.

What is gum cancer?

Gum cancer, also known as oral cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the tissues of the gums and oral cavity. Jain's Cowurine Therapy acknowledges the seriousness of this condition.

What causes gum cancer?

Gum cancer can be caused by various factors, including tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, poor oral hygiene, and persistent irritation of the gums. Jain's Cowurine Therapy advises maintaining a healthy lifestyle to reduce these risk factors.

What is the cure for gum cancer?

Jain's Cowurine Therapy emphasizes that the treatment for gum cancer typically involves a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Early detection and prompt medical intervention are crucial for successful outcomes.

How to avoid gum cancer?

To minimize the risk of gum cancer, Jain's Cowurine Therapy recommends adopting healthy habits such as avoiding tobacco and limiting alcohol consumption

How does Jain's Cowurine Therapy address symptoms such as oral pain in Gum Cancer?

Ayurvedic ingredients in our products may offer support for various symptoms associated with Gum Cancer, promoting comfort and well-being.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy prevent the recurrence of Gum Cancer?

While not a preventive measure, our Ayurvedic approach may support overall oral health, potentially contributing to a well-rounded approach to preventing the recurrence of Gum Cancer.

Are there dietary recommendations to follow along with Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Gum Cancer?

Yes, our experts may provide dietary suggestions that complement the benefits of Cowurine Therapy, catering to the specific needs of individuals dealing with Gum Cancer.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy be used as a complementary approach to Gum Cancer treatment?

Our products are intended to complement conventional treatments. Consultation with healthcare professionals is crucial for a comprehensive approach to managing Gum Cancer.

Are there any side effects associated with using Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Gum Cancer?

Our products are crafted from natural ingredients, minimizing the risk of adverse effects. However, it's advisable to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.