According to the World Health Organization (WHO), migraine is a leading cause of disability worldwide, affecting around 14.7% of the global population. Our team provide ayurvedic treatment for migraine with herbal medicines and stress-relief therapy that will cure your disease permanently.
Migraine is a condition in which a person suffers from a severe headache characterized by intense pain which usually happens on one side of the head accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound.According to ayurveda, root cause of migraine is believed to be an accumulation of toxins in the body, which can lead to the constriction of blood vessels in the head and a disturbance in the flow of energy (prana) in the body. Ayurvedic treatment for migraine involves addressing the underlying imbalances in the body through a combination of herbal remedies This may include the use of herbs such as ginger, turmeric, and Shankhpushpi.It's always better to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner before taking any herb or supplement, as they will take your personal health history into account and make personalized recommendations.
Migraine can occur in a person of any age. The pain in migraines can irritate a person for a few hours to several days. It is a recurring type of headache. When a migraine occurs in the affected part of the head, one feels a tingling in that part. Migraine is a common health problem that is very common in individuals. Migraine headache is very inefficient.
Jain’s cow urine therapy clinic aims for a happy and healthy life by integrating ancient Ayurvedic knowledge with modern technology. Our therapy means cow urine including Ayurveda works on a person’s three doshas that are- The Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These tri-energies maintain our health, any imbalance in these doshas, is responsible for human’s health and disease. We are glad to say that we have seen so many positive results through our treatment. Thousands of people got rid of many diseases after taking our treatment.
Our patients not only put an end to their disease but also live a disease-free healthy life forever. This is the reason why people are getting attention towards our therapy. Our years of research in Ayurvedic treatments have helped us advance our methodology. We aim to reach as many people as we can to build a healthy and happy society all over the world.
Cow urine is traditionally used as ayurvedic medicine in treating various ailments, including migraine. With a consistent approach a few herbs. Ayurvedic drugs alongside cow urine can serve as a complementary remedy to limit a range of reactions which come from the usage of heavy doses, mental pressure, radiation and severe headaches. A few Ayurvedic medicines comprise many beneficial elements to deal with them. It improves the metabolism of the body.
We use gojala in our cow-urine therapy, basically it means cow-urine extract, the main component in our medicine. This extract is made of the urine of the indigenous breeds of cow. Gojala has its own benefits because it’s beyond the possibility of any kind of contamination. It has high quality and is abundant. When gojala mixed with ayurvedic herbs it becomes more effective to treat any disease and favourable to the consequence of the particular disease. This extract is superimly tested and that’s why it’s more trustable and beneficial as well.
Remedy with cow urine brings accurate fitness and maintains the doshas in order. Today as an end result of our medication human beings are continuously enhancing their health. It improves the condition of their day-to-day life. Ayurvedic drugs alongside cow urine can serve as a complementary remedy to limit a range of reactions which come from the usage of heavy doses, mental pressure, radiations and chemotherapies. We inform humans how to live a joyful and anxiety-free life with an untreatable disorder if any. Thousands of human beings live a balanced lifestyle after taking our remedy and it’s a big achievement for us to provide them a life they dream of.
In Ayurveda, cow urine has a special position that is often said to be helpful for illnesses like migraines. Our years of painstaking work prove that by using our herbs, almost all complications of migraine vanish. Sufferer tells us that they notice a big relief in severe pain, sensitivity to sound, light and strong smell, nausea and vomiting, excessive sweating, tiredness, concentration, control and balance hormonal and chemical changes in the body, improve the patient’s immune system that works favorably for other migraine complications.
If we speak about life expectancy, cow urine therapy itself is a lot of optimism. Any disorder, whether minor or critical, has a bad influence on the human body and persists for a period of years, often for life. Life expectancy is short until the condition is identified, but not with cow-urine treatment. Not only does our ancient medicine comfort the illness, but it also enhances the life of the man without leaving any contaminants in his body and this is our ultimate purpose.
“Sarve bhavantu sukhinah, Sarve santu niramayah, Sarve bhadrani pashyantu, Maa kaschit dukha bhag-bhavet”, its capacity let all be happy, let all be free from disease, let all see the truth, may no-one experience suffering. By following this proverb, we prefer our society to be like this. Our remedy accomplishes this by way of giving reliable treatment, enhancing life expectancy and decreasing the drug dependency of affected people. Our remedy has greater benefits and nil risks than any psychological therapies available in this current world.
In contrast to wide-ranging medical exercise, we focus on the root motive of the disease and elements that can improve the probabilities of sickness recurrence rather than focusing only on the management of disease through using this method, we are efficiently dropping recurrence costs and giving a brand new path to the human’s life as a way to stay their life in a better way each emotionally and bodily.
A person may have a migraine problem due to the following reasons-
Individuals who take extreme stress in their life may have migraine problems. Extreme stress affects the brain of the person. There are many problems like excess of work, conflict in relationships, lack of money, loss of business due to which the person starts taking stress. When this stress is increased, the person starts having migraines.
There are many abnormal hormonal changes in a person's body, it can cause their migraine. Especially hormonal changes in the body of women can cause their migraine. Acute migraine in women during pregnancy, menstruation, menopause can develop when there are many fluctuations in their hormone called estrogen.
Migraines can occur to a person as a result of their heredity. If a person in a family suffers from a migraine, the other person may also have this problem due to their family history.
The non-nutritious diet reduces a person's immunity. Individuals who do not consume a nutritious diet in their life may have a migraine problem. People with excessive intake of caffeine and alcohol may also have a migraine risk.
Changes in temperature can also cause migraine problems. A person can get migraine in changing weather like extreme sun, heat and extreme cold. Migraine pain may occur in a person's head even in cloudy conditions.
Excessive sleep and lack of sleep both can increase the risk of migraines. Generally, lack of sleep can trigger migraines in some people. On average people with less sleep may have severe migraine problems.
Constantly being in contact with the environment that affects a person's sensory stimulation can cause a migraine problem. Strong light and sunlight, excessive noise, strong scent or smell all can cause a person's migraine.
If a person is engulfed by depression and anxiety for a longer period of time, they may be more likely to have a migraine. Migraine headaches may arise in individuals with anxiety disorders and depression as a result of their mental disorder. Increased levels of anxiety and depression can help to increase migraines.
Excessive physical and mental exhaustion leads to the onset of situations like depression, lack of sleep in the person. Constant fatigue reduces the energy of the person which can cause many other problems including migraine problems.
Taking care of some important things, a person can protect himself from the problem of migraine which includes -
The symptoms and signs of a migraine can be the following:
There are many types of migraine and the details are:
Migraines with aura are placed under this category. Usually some kind of lines, flashes or visual signs of shape fall in the aura. This type of migraine is also known as classic migraine. Due to this people have many eye problems like dark spots in the light, glare in the light etc.
Auraless migraine is the most common type of migraine in which a headache occurs without any specific warning signs. It is also known as a common migraine. In most cases, migraine without aura is accompanied by anxiety, depression, stress and fatigue. Some of the common symptoms a person feels are thirst and sleepiness. Some people have problems like vomiting and mood swings.
Chronic migraines irritate a person for fifteen days in a month or for three consecutive months. Conditions like brain injury, swelling of blood vessels or stroke cause chronic migraine.
Migraine that occurs during the menstrual period of women is called menstrual migraine. Estrogen hormone levels decline in women during menstruation. In this case women are prone to migraine in two days which can last for a period.
Hemiplegic migraine is a condition in which temporary weakness occurs on one side of a person's body. This type of migraine is rare. They are also known as "migraine variants" in which there is a paralysis on one side of the body. Symptoms of hemiplegic migraine often feel like a stroke. Under this a person experiences weakness on one side of the face, arms and legs.
The brainstem is a rare and uncommon type of migraine also known as basilar migraine. The brainstem is a migraine headache that develops with aura. Brainstem aura has pain in both sides of the head on the backside. This type of migraine is caused by a narrowing of the arteries of the brain and neck. A person suffering from such migraine has visual disturbances, speech and hearing difficulties, tingling in hands and feet like symptoms appear..
Vestibular migraine is also known as migraine vertigo. Vestibular migraine is related to a person having dizziness. In this type of migraine, the person experiences a combination of balance problems with dizziness. Many symptoms emerge in individuals with vestibular migraine-like dizziness, nausea or vomiting with a headache, sensitivity to light and sound etc.
Abdominal migraines are most commonly seen in children. Migraine with abdominal pain is included under abdominal migraine. This migraine is most common in children between nine and sixteen years of age. Children mainly have abdominal pain. There are problems with headache, nausea and vomiting. Abdominal migraine is an episodic syndrome.
Migraine sufferers may face the following complications -
The exact cause of migraines is unknown, but they're thought to be the result of abnormal brain activity temporarily affecting nerve signals, chemicals and blood vessels in the brain.
The most common are migraine with aura (also known as a classic migraine) and migraine without aura (or common migraine). Other types include: Menstrual migraine.
Migraine is a highly prevalent and disabling neurological disorder which is commonly linked with a broad range of psychiatric comorbidities, especially among subjects with migraine with aura or chronic migraine.
Stress and migraines are linked in a vicious cycle. Stress in your life can trigger a migraine and keep it going. Chronic migraine pain can boost your stress. As many as 80% of people who get migraines list stress as a common trigger.
Eat and sleep on a regular schedule and make sure you're drinking enough water, and never skip a meal. Lack of sleep can also aggravate symptoms so you must sleep for 7-8 hours. Even getting too much sleep can cause headaches, so don't try to make up for lost sleep by snoozing too long.
Go to the ER if you are experiencing severe migraine symptoms, or symptoms such as confusion, fever and vision changes, neck stiffness, trouble speaking or numbness or weakness, even if other symptoms of migraine are present (e.g. light sensitivity, nausea).