
Ayurvedic treatment for gastric ulcer


Wounds and blisters on the lining of the digestive system are called gastric ulcers. These ulcers are a type of perforation on the lining of the stomach due to acidic digestive juices. These acidic digestive juices are secreted by the cells of the stomach. Generally, these acidic digestive juices act to break down the foods eaten by a person but when these juices start to flow, the stomach lining gets damaged due to this and this overflow of acid causes a wound in the stomach and this wound is known as gastric ulcer. A gastric ulcer is a form of gastric ulcer. Usually, a gastric ulcer is a localized area of ​​erosion in the lining of the stomach under which a person starts feeling stomach pain, bleeding and many other gastrointestinal problems. Many times in a severe condition of gastric ulcer, a person has to face a lot of difficulties which causes his life to be affected. With our ayurvedic treatment for gastric ulcer, we make sure to cure your problem completely.


Jain’s cow urine therapy clinic aims for a happy and healthy life by integrating ancient Ayurvedic knowledge with modern technology. Our therapy means cow urine including Ayurveda works on a person’s three doshas that are- The Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These tri-energies maintain our health, any imbalance in these doshas, is responsible for human’s health and disease. We are glad to say that we have seen so many positive results through our treatment. Thousands of people got rid of many diseases after taking our treatment.

Our patients not only put an end to their disease but also live a disease-free healthy life forever. This is the reason why people are getting attention towards our therapy. Our years of research in Ayurvedic treatments have helped us advance our methodology. We aim to reach as many people as we can to build a healthy and happy society all over the world.

Effective Treatment By Cow Urine Therapy

A number of herbs, according to the cow urine therapeutic approach, work to rejuvenate body defects (Vata, bile and phlegm) that cause Gastric ulcers if they are disproportionate. In some Ayurvedic drugs, there are several beneficial ingredients to treat them. It increases the body’s metabolism.






Key herbs which makes the treatement more effective

Kanchnar Guggul

Kanchnar helps in wound-healing due to its anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Kanchnar is good for ulcers as it promotes quick healing of ulcers due to its Ropan (healing) property. It also controls excessive secretion of gastric juices which further prevents the symptoms of ulcers due to its Kashaya (astringent) and Sita (cold) properties.


Sahajana is proving to help heal ulcers which are a painful and debilitating digestive system disorder. It contains glucosinolates- these compounds prevent stomach ulcers.


Giloy helps to reduce digestion-related problems like indigestion, hyperacidity and flatulence due to its Pachan (digestive) properties. This wonder plant has potent anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation, gastritis, acidity, bloating, constipation, loss of appetite and aids in digestion which helps to prevent gastric ulcers.


Ashwagandha contains chemicals that might help calm the brain, reduce swelling (inflammation), lower blood pressure and alter the immune system. It is blessed with Laghu (light) and Snigdha (oily) gunas. It has Ushna Virya (hot potency) and Madhura Vipaka (pungent metabolic property). It aggravates the Pitta doshas (digestion) and pacifies Vata (air) and Kapha (earth and water) doshas.


Kalmegh is widely used as a stomachic, tonic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, immuno-stimulatory and anti-oxidant agent. Andrographolide is the major active principle present in the plant attributing therapeutic activity to prevent gastric ulcers.


The host of bioactive components in Punarnava balances the Tridoshas and helps to pacify the Vata (i.e. air) and Kapha (i.e. earth and water) doshas and effectively removes the AMA doshas which are toxins from the body. Imbued with the therapeutic components punarnava holds high significance in promoting the digestive system and managing gastric ulcers.


Long used in traditional Indian medicine for the treatment of stomach disorders like heartburn, ulcers and indigestion. Amla does indeed heal ulcers by decreasing gastric acid and pepsin output and increasing the stomach's protective mucus secretion.

Kali Mirch

Kali Mirch has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that cure stomach ulcers hence kali mirch benefits the stomach ( also called gastric ulcers). It also fights problems arising due to stomach mucosal damage.


It is widely known for its antibacterial and skin-healing properties. Interestingly, aloe vera may be an effective remedy against stomach ulcers. Ghritkumari significantly reduces the amount of stomach acid and prevents gastric ulcers.


Jeera is good for the stomach. It helps get rid of acidity and bloating and provides relief from indigestion. Jeera acts as a painkiller and is especially effective in treating gastric ulcers.


Sonth is used to treat stomach and digestive conditions such as constipation, bloating and gastritis. It can help with gastric ulcers caused by H. pylori bacteria. It may also prevent ulcers caused by NSAIDs


Saunf has traditionally been used for digestive disorders including abdominal pain, bloating, gas and constipation. Saunf extract helps protect against ulcers. Preventing ulcers may reduce the risk of bloating. It improves digestion and reduces bloating. It also calms the stomach lining and alleviates the burning sensation during acidity.


This herb is highly aromatic and contains various biological activities. It is the richest source of antioxidants, anti-microbial, anti-ulcerative, vitamins and minerals. It fights various fungal infections. It is used to pacify vitiated Vata and Kapha doshas in the body.


Pudina leaves help in treating gastritis problems, ulcers and strengthens the liver. It is rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients and menthol which help the enzymes to digest food. Pudina is also known to calm stomach cramps and helps beat acidity and flatulence.


Ajwain is commonly used as a household remedy for digestive issues in Ayurvedic medicine. Ajwain seed extract may combat gastric ulcers and sores of the esophagus, stomach or small intestine.

Kala Namak

Kala namak has alkaline properties that help reduce excess acid in the stomach while its high mineral content lessens the damage caused by acid reflux. It helps improve digestion and also alleviates intestinal gas.

Neem chhal

Gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers are treated well with neem extracts; nimbidin from neem chal extracts prevents duodenal lesions and gastric ulcers and provides significant reductions in acid output and gastric fluid activity.


Shatavari has nutrients and plant products that have been found to play an important role in protecting or helping to heal stomach and gastric ulcers. It possesses antiulcer activity which is of particular therapeutic importance as most of the anti-inflammatory.


The anti-inflammatory properties of mulethi hold high significance in treating different types of ulcers like ulcerative colitis, gastric ulcer, canker sores. The bioactive compound carbenoxolone plays a crucial role in healing gastric ulcers.


Haldi’s extracts polysaccharides can alleviate ulcers by protecting the mucus lining of the stomach and inhibiting the growth of an ulcer-causing bacteria. These polysaccharides could potentially be used as therapeutic agents for treating gastric ulcers.

Elaichi Powder

Besides speeding up digestion, elaichi helps to reduce heartburn and other stomach infections. Elaichi has the most researched property as it pertains to relieving stomach issues and it has the possible ability to heal ulcers.


Ghee is known for the quality of Ropana- healing and its effectiveness in facilitating recovery from wounds. In Ayurveda, when a person has a chronic gastric ulcer or gastritis, Ghee is used to healing that ulcer inside the intestinal tract.

Jaiphal Powder

Jaiphal powder is effective to treat gastric ulcers as it reduces the total acidity of gastric secretions without any side effects. It might be beneficial in the management of stomach problems like indigestion. It acts as a good digestive agent and supports digestion thus preventing gastric ulcers.

Lawang Powder

It may reduce stomach ulcers. The compounds found in Lawang powder could help treat gastric ulcers. It has carminative properties and helps improve peristalsis. Due to its high magnesium content, it helps in digestion by boosting intestinal strength and reducing stomach acidity.

Shuddha Shilajit

The anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties of the bioactive components present in shudh shilajit hold high significance in treating different types of ulcers like ulcerative colitis, gastric ulcer, canker sores etc. It also promotes tissue regeneration and hence facilitates wound healing.


We use gojala in our cow-urine therapy, basically it means cow-urine extract, the main component in our medicine. This extract is made of the urine of the indigenous breeds of cow. Gojala has its own benefits because it’s beyond the possibility of any kind of contamination. It has high quality and is abundant. When gojala mixed with ayurvedic herbs it becomes more effective to treat any disease and favourable to the consequence of the particular disease. This extract is superimly tested and that’s why it’s more trustable and beneficial as well.

Quality of Life

Remedy with cow urine brings accurate fitness and maintains the doshas in order. Today as a result of our cure human beings are continuously enhancing their health. It improves the condition of their day-to-day life. Ayurvedic drugs alongside cow urine can serve as a complementary remedy to limit a range of reactions that come from the usage of heavy doses, mental pressure, radiations, and chemotherapies. We inform humans how to live a joyful and anxiety-free individual’s life with an untreatable disorder if any. Thousands of human beings live a balanced lifestyle after taking our remedy and it’s a big achievement for us to provide them a life they dream of. 

Complication Prevention

Gomutra often considered good for gastric ulcers, has a special place in Ayurveda. Our years of work prove that some symptoms of gastric ulcers almost disappear with our Ayurvedic herbs. Our patients feel a great relief in abdominal pain, burning, bloating, loss of appetite, weight loss, dark color of stool, blood in stool, fatigue and weakness, chest pain, sour belching etc. There is an improvement in the immune system that works favorably for other complications of gastric ulcers.

Life Expectancy

If we are concerned about life expectancy, cow urine treatment itself is a lot of promise. Any disorder, whether minor or critical, has a negative effect on the health of a person and lasts for years, often for life Life expectancy is brief until the condition is identified, but not with cow-urine treatment. Not only does our ancient therapy comfort the illness, but it also enhances the longevity of the person without leaving any contaminants in his body and this is our ultimate objective.

Reducing Drug Dependency

“Sarve bhavantu sukhinah, Sarve santu niramayah, Sarve bhadrani pashyantu, Maa kaschit dukha bhag-bhavet”, it means let all be happy, let all be free from disease, let all see the truth, may no-one experience suffering. By following this saying, we want our society to be like this. Our therapy accomplishes this by giving reliable treatment, improving life expectancy and reducing drug dependency of affected people. Our therapy has more advantages and zero disadvantages than other available medical options in this modern world.

Reducing Recurrence Chances

Unlike wide-ranging medical practice, we focus on the root cause of the disease and factors that may improve the chances of disease recurrence rather than focusing only on the management of a disease. By using this method, we are successfully dropping recurrence rates and giving a new direction to people's lives so that they can live their life in a better way both emotionally and physically.

Causes of Gastric Ulcer

The causes of gastric ulcers include -

  • Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria

The most common cause of a person having a gastric ulcer is an infection caused by Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria. This bacteria reaches the person's stomach by consuming contaminated water and food where they stick to the mucus layer of the digestive system and infect the stomach and causing the person to have a gastric ulcer problem.

  • Some medicines

Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken for a long time by a person also increase the risk of gastric ulcers. These anti-inflammatory medicines contain many medicines such as ibuprofen, naproxen sodium and aspirin which are used by the person to have a gastric ulcer.

  • Smoking and alcohol abuse

Excessive smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol by a person cause excess acid secretion in the stomach. These extra secretions work to continuously damage the lining of the stomach, causing a wound in the stomach of the person and they have a problem of gastric ulcer.

  • Family history

If a person is suffering from gastric ulcers in the family or anyone has had this problem before then it is possible that any other member of the family associated with them has the disease in their lifetime due to a family history of gastric ulcers.

  • Tension

Although stress is not considered to be a solid cause of gastric ulcers, a person's state of extreme stress can help them to increase their already existing gastric ulcer problem and symptoms.

  • Spicy food

Excessive intake of spicy and chilly foods can prove helpful for a person to increase the risk of gastric ulcers. Excessive and prolonged consumption of spicy food can aggravate the symptoms of gastric ulcers.

Prevention from Gastric Ulcer

Some of the following methods and measures can reduce the risk of gastric ulcer and prevent it from growing -

  • Healthy and clean food keeps the stomach of a person fit. Therefore, one needs to take special care of both things.
  • One should drink filtered water and avoid consuming contaminated water.
  • One should avoid taking excessive stress and insist on living a stress-free life.
  • One should avoid taking excessive anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • A person should abandon habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
  • One should consume spicy food at least.
  • Regular walks, yoga, exercise and exercise motivate a person's digestive system to function smoothly so a person should adopt these healthy habits.
  • Few changes in diet and regular lifestyle of the person give relief from the problem of gastric ulcer.

Symptoms of Gastric Ulcer

The following symptoms and signs of gastric ulcer can irritate a person -

  • Stomach ache
  • Abdominal burning sensation
  • Feeling full
  • Stomach bloating
  • Inability to drink fluids
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Dark stool
  • Blood with stool
  • Feeling tired and weak
  • Chest pain
  • Sour burping

Complications of Gastric Ulcer

The problem of gastric ulcer caused a person many complications if left untreated. These complications are-

  • This ulcer can cause bleeding in the stomach or small intestine.
  • The person may have a serious problem of perforations in which digestive juices and food start to secret into the cavity.
  • A serious condition of perforations can cause a person to have a life-threatening infection.
  • The infection can spread from the stomach to the person's entire body.
  • A person may be at risk of cancer in the stomach and intestines.
  • The person may complain of anemia.
  • A person may suffer from severe pain and discomfort for a long time.



What is a gastric ulcer?

A gastric ulcer, also known as a peptic ulcer, is a sore or lesion that forms on the lining of the stomach.

What causes gastric ulcers?

Jain's Cowurine Therapy believes gastric ulcers can be caused by factors such as H. pylori infection, long-term use of NSAIDs, excessive acid production, and lifestyle choices.

How can gastric ulcers be cured?

Jain's Cowurine Therapy recommends a holistic approach including Ayurvedic remedies, lifestyle modifications, and dietary changes to promote healing and alleviate symptoms.

How to avoid gastric ulcers?

Preventive measures promoted by Jain's Cowurine Therapy include maintaining a balanced diet, managing stress, avoiding prolonged NSAID use, and incorporating Ayurvedic practices for digestive health.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy prevent the recurrence of Gastric Ulcer?

While not a preventive measure, our Ayurvedic approach may support overall digestive health, potentially contributing to a well-rounded approach to preventing the recurrence of Gastric Ulcer.

Are there dietary recommendations to follow along with Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Gastric Ulcer?

Yes, our experts may provide dietary suggestions that complement the benefits of Cowurine Therapy, catering to the specific needs of individuals dealing with Gastric Ulcer.

How often should I use Jain's Cowurine Therapy products for Gastric Ulcer support?

Follow the usage instructions provided with our products. Consulting with healthcare professionals for personalized guidance on the frequency of use is advisable.

Is Cowurine Therapy suitable for individuals at different ages with Gastric Ulcer?

Consult with healthcare providers to determine the appropriateness of Jain's Cowurine Therapy based on the specific age and individual health conditions of Gastric Ulcer.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy be used as a complementary approach to Gastric Ulcer treatment?

Our products are intended to complement conventional treatments. Consultation with healthcare professionals is crucial for a comprehensive approach to managing Gastric Ulcer.

Are there any side effects associated with using Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Gastric Ulcer?

Our products are crafted from natural ingredients, minimizing the risk of adverse effects. However, it's advisable to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.

How does Cowurine Therapy work specifically for individuals with acidity issues in Gastric Ulcer?

Jain's Cowurine Therapy products may contain herbs and compounds traditionally used in Ayurveda to address acidity issues associated with Gastric Ulcer, potentially aiding individuals with this specific condition.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy be used alongside H. pylori eradication therapy for Gastric Ulcer?

Consult with healthcare professionals to determine the compatibility of combining our products with H. pylori eradication therapy for a comprehensive approach to managing Gastric Ulcer.

What sets Jain's Cowurine Therapy apart in addressing Gastric Ulcer?

Our unique Ayurvedic formulations focus on holistic well-being, incorporating traditional wisdom to offer comprehensive support for individuals with Gastric Ulcer.

How long does it take to see results with Jain's Cowurine Therapy in managing Gastric Ulcer symptoms?

Individual responses may vary. Consistent use, coupled with a healthy lifestyle, is key for optimal results when incorporating Jain's Cowurine Therapy into the overall management plan for Gastric Ulcer.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy be used in cases of bleeding ulcers due to Gastric Ulcer?

Consultation with healthcare providers is recommended to determine the suitability of Jain's Cowurine Therapy for individuals dealing with bleeding ulcers due to Gastric Ulcer.

Is Jain's Cowurine Therapy suitable for elderly individuals with Gastric Ulcer?

Consultation with healthcare professionals is recommended to determine the suitability of Jain's Cowurine Therapy for elderly individuals dealing with Gastric Ulcer.

How does Cowurine Therapy contribute to maintaining overall digestive health in Gastric Ulcer?

Ayurvedic ingredients in our products may offer support for overall digestive health, potentially addressing concerns related to Gastric Ulcer.

How can Jain's Cowurine Therapy help individuals with Gastric Ulcer?

Jain's Cowurine Therapy offers Ayurvedic solutions that may provide support for individuals dealing with Gastric Ulcer.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy be used alongside conventional medications for Gastric Ulcer?

Consult with healthcare professionals to determine the compatibility of combining our products with conventional medications for a comprehensive approach to managing Gastric Ulcer.

How does Cowurine Therapy address symptoms such as stomach pain in Gastric Ulcer?

Ayurvedic ingredients in our products may offer support for various symptoms associated with Gastric Ulcer, promoting comfort and well-being.