
Breast Cancer Treatment


According to a study from University of America, 12.3% of total womens in the world suffer from Breast Cancer every year.

Breast cancer ranks second among most cancers in women which is a common disease nowadays. Such cancer is found in less than one percent of men. This cancer which occurs in women usually starts in their milk-making glands or in those tubes which carry the milk to the nipples.

Cancer can be managed with the help of Ayurvedic treatment but in allopathic or modern science there are many side effects of radiation and medicines on the body. 

Ayurveda provides natural and safe medications for breast cancer. There are many herbs in Ayurveda which help in breast cancer that control the abnormal growth of breast cells and in later stages it will help to reduce pain and curb its spread to other organs.


Jain’s cow urine therapy clinic aims for a happy and healthy life by integrating ancient Ayurvedic knowledge with modern technology. Our therapy means cow urine including Ayurveda works on a person’s three doshas that are- The Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These tri-energies maintain our health, any imbalance in these doshas, is responsible for human’s health and disease. We are glad to say that we have seen so many positive results through our treatment. Thousands of people got rid of many diseases after taking our treatment.

Our patients not only put an end to their disease but also live a disease-free healthy life forever. This is the reason why people are getting attention towards our therapy. Our years of research in Ayurvedic treatments have helped us advance our methodology. We aim to reach as many people as we can to build a healthy and happy society all over the world.

Effective Treatment By Cow Urine Therapy

Jain’s Cow Urine Therapy promotes Ayurvedic remedies, treatments and therapies that are known worldwide for their efficient results.

Jain’s cow Urine therapy helps to improve the overall immunity and reduces the swelling in the breasts that causes change in the shape of breasts. Cow urine treatment for breast cancer helps to fight the cancer cells and reduces the redness in chest area and hardening of nipples.






Key herbs which makes the treatement more effective

Kanchnar Guggul

By inhibiting cell (antimitotic) division and decreasing cell proliferation, Kanchnar Guggul shows a cytotoxic effect. These findings substantiate its potential for cancer therapy and encourage its traditional use in the treatment of cancer.


Sahajana anti-cancer compounds such as kaempferol and iso-quercetin are used most frequently to treat cancer disease.


Giloy's properties, including glucosamine, alkaloids called glucosine, gilo in, giloinin, gilosteral, and berberine, kill the body's cancer cells and clean up the blood and cancerous cells.


Reactive oxygen species that smash most cancer cells are created through Ashwagandha. In the destruction of tumor-generating cells, the compound found in ashwagandha, referred to as withaferin A, is effective to prevent most cancers.


The most vital energetic ingredient named andrographolide, reveals an extensive variety of antitumors that stop and wreck cancerous bacteria.


It is a healthy and better way for most cancer prevention. An anti-cancer agent, Punarnavine is an alkaloid that is believed to inhibit the development of cancer cells.


An impressive amount of antioxidants in amla, along with vitamin C, E, beta-carotene, and carotenoids stop carcinogenic cell growth.


A chemical Piperlongumine (PL) found in Pippli prevents breast cancer and is useful in preventing the increase of a tumor enzyme.


It is most productive in preventing cancer cells from spreading to the body's interior. The herbal molecules contained in it inhibit the development in most cancer cells of DNA molecules.


Tulsi leaves have an ingredient known as eugenol, which is very effective in protecting most cells against breast cancer.


Neemaghan Satt is a big component that acts as an antioxidant and anticarcinogenic property of the leaf of neem that works to save a woman from breast cancer cells.


Consisting of shogaol, it is a natural meal factor that contains gingerol with many energetic phenolic compounds and has been shown to have an anti-cancer and antioxidant effect.


Baheda can activate cytotoxicity (cellular-dying) in tumor cells. Gallic acid, a prime polyphenol located in Baheda, is the primary cytotoxicity element.


A significant amount of plumbagin, an anti-cancer agent of this herb has been used to stop the development of breast cancer-inflicting cells.


For the treatment of cancer, the use of kutki-derived 'picrosides' is a strong antioxidant movement that is used as a primary mechanism to suppress cancer tumors.


With increased sensitivity in Kanghi, polyphenolic compounds are used as a powerful means of affecting cancer cells.


A chemical aspect named Curcumin (cur-cumin) which is effectively discovered in turmeric can fight most cells of cancer and assist to give up most cancers cells from rising.

Gular Chhal

For the intercept of breast cancer in women, it has every cytotoxicity and anticancer activity. One or more extracts of phytochemical aspects have a feasible anticancer compound to give up the expansion of breast cancer cells.


Included elements of sahadevi such as Sida acuta, Sida cordifolia, Sida rhombifolia, Urena lobata are strongly used in most cancer treatments.


Neuroprotective is a special kind of element in shilajit that finely prevents and gives authority to combat the cancer cell acuteness of the body.

Amla Green

Amla and a number of its phytochemicals (gallic acid, pentagalloylglucose, ellagic acid, pyrogallol, quercetin, and kaempferol) have been found to be cytotoxic to neoplastic cells. There are likely to be many mechanisms responsible for the cancer prevention effects of amla.


Racemofuran, an important element of Shatavari, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, inhibits the frequency of tumors and protects against cancer.


Ghee is an effective agent of most cancer-preventing and shielding elements. An antioxidant feature is a strong compound known as conjugated linoleic acid, (CLA) located in ghee. This enables to carry down anti-cancer compounds and to self-destruct most cancer cells (a mechanism identified as apoptosis).


Gokhru accommodates components that are critical ones like alkaloids identified as nor Harman and Harman. In addition, it consists of steroidal saponins mentioned as terrestrosins A–E, flavonoid glycosides, and furostanol as anti-cancer properties.


Licochalcone-A, the substance derived from the mulethi root, has been proven to have antitumor interest in breast cancer cell traces by way of lowering the quantity of BCL-2, a drug-resistant protein.


We use gojala in our cow-urine therapy, basically it means cow-urine extract, the main component in our medicine. This extract is made of the urine of the indigenous breeds of cow. Gojala has its own benefits because it’s beyond the possibility of any kind of contamination. It has high quality and is abundant. When gojala mixed with ayurvedic herbs it becomes more effective to treat any disease and favourable to the consequence of the particular disease. This extract is superimly tested and that’s why it’s more trustable and beneficial as well.

Quality of life

Healing with cow urine brings good health and keeps the doshas at the level. Today, individuals are continuously improving their health as a result of our care and treatment. This increases the consistency of their daily lives. Along with cow urine, Ayurvedic drugs may serve as a complementary therapy to diminish various side effects from the use of heavy doses, mental strain, radiation, and chemotherapy. We teach people how to live a peaceful and stress-free life with an untreatable illness if any. Since taking our counseling, tens of thousands of people live healthy lives and it’s a huge accomplishment for us to give them a life that they dream of.

Complication Prevention

 In Ayurveda, cow urine has a special position that is also said to be helpful for awful illnesses like cancer. Our years of committed work prove that with our herbal medicines, certain symptoms of breast cancer almost vanish. Sufferer tells us that they notice a big relief in pain of cancer, control, and balance hormonal and chemical changes in the body, slow the speed of growing cancer cells to spread in other body organs or nearby, improve the patient’s immune system that works favorably for other breast cancer complications, control problems related to the brain and nervous system.

Life expectancy

If we talk about life expectancy, cow urine therapy itself is a big hope. Any disease, whether it is small in scale or at a critical stage, will have a negative impact on the human body and it will exist for several years, sometimes even a lifetime. Once the disease is identified, the life expectancy is very short, but not with cow urine therapy. Our ancient therapy not only comforts the disease but also prolongs the person’s lifespan without leaving any toxins in the body. This is our ultimate goal.

Reducing Drug Dependency

“Sarve bhavantu sukhinah, Sarve santu niramayah, Sarve bhadrani pashyantu, maa kaschit dukha bhag-bhavet" means let all be joyful, let all be free of sickness, let all see the reality, let no one suffer." We want our culture to be like this by adopting this saying. Our therapy accomplishes this by providing efficient care, enhancing the life expectancy of affected patients, and reducing drug dependency. In this new age, our treatment has more benefits and fewer risks than any medicinal solutions available.

Reducing Recurrence Chances

In comparison to wide-ranging general practice, we concentrate on the underlying cause of the disease and causes that may increase the chances of recurrence of the disease rather than relying exclusively on disease control. We are effectively decreasing recurrence rates by implementing this approach and providing a different path to the lives of people so that they can live their lives mentally and physically in a healthier way.

Causes and Risk Factors of Breast Cancer 

  • Age

Most breast cancer occurs in women who are aged forty-five to fifty or more. Menopause status in women at this age can cause this disease.

  • Genetics 

In the first-degree relative family if someone has a history of ovarian cancer or breast cancer. This cancer may occur due to genetics in the woman’s future generations as well.

  • Obesity

With increasing age obesity also increases the risk of this cancer. Obesity leads to excessive fat in the body which reduces the body's immune system and affects the functioning of hormones and cells causing abnormal cells to grow in the breast and cause breast cancer. 

  • Delay in pregnancy and breastfeeding

If a woman is not able to become a mother at the right age or when they are not pregnant at the right time and if there is a delay in breastfeeding the baby then she is more at risk of getting breast cancer. 

  • The density of breast tissues

In women whose breast tissue is dense carcinogenic cells start becoming more active which causes breast cancer.

  • Lumps in the breast and armpits 

The cancerous lumps in the breast and armpits of women also affect breast cancer which if a normal lump is not treated at the right time becomes a cancerous lump in the long run.

  • Consumption of contraceptive drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes 

For women who consume excessive amounts of contraceptive medicines and have a habit of smoking and drinking alcohol the risk of getting breast cancer increases manifold.



  • Women should pay attention to their food and drink and a balanced and nutritious diet should be taken.
  • Alcohol and smoking habits should be abandoned. 
  • Regular yoga, exercise, the workouts should be done to keep the body healthy. 
  • Balanced weight should be maintained. 
  • Do not ignore the lump in the breast or armpit. Treatment should be taken at the right time. 
  • Being pregnant and breastfeeding on time reduces the risk of breast cancer. 
  • Health should be taken care of in old age and need to adopt a proper lifestyle. 

Symptoms of Breast Cancer 

  • Swelling in the breast and changes in the shape of the breast
  • Changes in the color of the nipples
  • Discharge of blood and viscous liquid from the nipples 
  • Feeling of lumps in the armpits and breast
  • Feeling of pain while pressing the breast
  • Turning nipples inward
  • Breast skin starts to become red. 
  • Women feel the hardening of nipples.

Types of Breast Cancer

It is divided into two parts with the view of the spread or non-spread of cancer outside the breast milk ducts or lobules: 

1. Invasive Cancer

This type of cancer usually grows in healthy breast tissues. Most breast cancers are invasive. When part of these cancers start developing in healthy and normal tissues it starts attacking the tissues and their surrounding areas. Depending on the type of cancer that attacks breast tissues this cancer is also subdivided that is more common in women:

i.) Invasive ductal carcinoma 

It is the most common type of breast cancer that is common in women. This cancer starts in the women's ductal i.e. the milk duct and spreads to the normal parts or tissues surrounding the breast.

ii.) Invasive lobular carcinoma

It occurs in the lobes or lobules of the breast. Lobules act as milk production in the breast. Lobular breast cancer is the second most common type of breast cancer.

Less common subtypes of invasive cancer

i.) Inflammatory breast cancer 

This rare type of breast cancer starts as red lumps and swelling increases instead of becoming a separate lump around the breast. It is a rapidly growing cancer.

ii.) Paget's Disease of the Nipple

Cancer cells that form on the thick skin that surrounding the nipple 

iii.) Phyllodes breast tumor

This is rare cancer growing in the leaflike pattern from the connective tissues of the breast. The speed of growth outside the breast is very slow and negligible.

iv.) Metastatic breast cancer 

This type of cancer starts spreading to other parts of the body like the brain, lungs, and bones. This cancer usually occurs in post-treatment conditions.

2. Non-Invasive cancer

This type of cancer usually remains within the breast milk ducts. They do not aggressively attack normal tissues outside and inside the breast. But if left untreated for a long time it can be aggressive. They are also known as "Ductal carcinoma in situ".

Stages of Breast Cancer

  • Zero stage: This is the initial stage of cancer under which the tumour is confined to milk vessels i.e. duct and does not spread further.
  • First stage: In this stage, these tumours or cells start spreading in the area that surrounds the breast and tissues.
  • Second stage: In the second stage of cancer cells start spreading in the lymph nodes by spreading throughout the breast.
  • Third stage: In this stage cancer has spread completely to the lymph nodes and their surrounding tissues and starts spreading to other parts of the body.
  • Fourth stage: In this fourth and last stage of cancer it has spread to various parts of the body like the brain, lungs, liver, and bones, etc.


After the operation of breast cancer, many common side effects remain life-long. These side effects are-

  • The weakness of the heart and effect of cardiac functions
  • Women suffer from physical exhaustion.
  • Pain in hands and shoulders, swelling and slowing of work.
  • Risk of infection in wounds after the operation. 
  • Breast swelling, burning, and pain.



What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the cells of the breast. It occurs when the cells in the breast grow and divide abnormally, forming a mass called a tumor.

What are the common symptoms of breast cancer?

The common symptoms of breast cancer include a lump or thickening in the breast, change in the shape or size of the breast, skin dimpling, discharge from the nipple, and redness or swelling of the breast.

What causes breast cancer?

The exact cause of breast cancer is unknown. However, certain risk factors such as age, family history, genetics, and lifestyle factors can increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

Can breast cancer recur after treatment?

Breast cancer can recur after treatment, but the chances of recurrence depend on several factors such as the stage and type of cancer, the type of treatment received, and the patient's overall health.

Is there anything I can do to reduce my risk of developing breast cancer?

Yes, you can reduce your risk of developing breast cancer by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, limiting alcohol consumption, and getting regular breast cancer screenings.

How is breast cancer diagnosed?

Breast cancer is diagnosed through a combination of physical examination, mammography, biopsy, and ultrasound.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the cells of the breast, typically in the ducts or lobules. Jain's Cowurine Therapy acknowledges the importance of overall health in preventing and managing such conditions.

How is breast cancer caused?

The exact cause of breast cancer is not fully understood, but various factors contribute. Jain's Cowurine Therapy emphasizes the significance of a holistic approach, including lifestyle, diet, and regular check-ups to reduce risk.

How can Jain's Cowurine Therapy support individuals with Breast Cancer?

For those with breast cancer, Jain's Cowurine Therapy provides Ayurvedic remedies that could supplement traditional therapies.

Are there specific products from Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Breast Cancer?

View our selection of Ayurvedic products for general health support, which includes products that might help those dealing with breast cancer.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy be used alongside chemotherapy for Breast Cancer?

For a holistic strategy to managing breast cancer, consult with healthcare professionals to ascertain whether combining our products with chemotherapy is appropriate.

Is Cowurine Therapy safe for long-term use in individuals with Breast Cancer?

Consultation with healthcare providers is required to determine the safety and suitability of long-term use of Jain's Cowurine Therapy for those coping with Breast Cancer.

How does Jain's Cowurine Therapy address symptoms associated with Breast Cancer?

Our products' ayurvedic constituents may provide assistance for a range of symptoms, enhancing comfort and well-being for those coping with the impacts of breast cancer.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy improve the quality of life for individuals with Breast Cancer?

Our all-encompassing strategy seeks to improve general health and well-being, which may improve the lives of those dealing with breast cancer's obstacles.

How often should I use Jain's Cowurine Therapy products for Breast Cancer support?

Observe the usage guidelines that come with our goods. It is essential to seek individualised recommendations from healthcare professionals regarding the frequency of use.

Is Cowurine Therapy suitable for individuals at different stages of Breast Cancer?

See your doctor to find out if Jain's Cowurine Therapy is suitable for your particular stage of breast cancer as well as any individual health issues.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy prevent the recurrence of Breast Cancer?

Although not a preventive treatment, our Ayurvedic approach could improve general health and help create a more comprehensive plan for preventing breast cancer from returning.

Are there dietary recommendations to follow along with Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Breast Cancer?

Indeed, our specialists can offer dietary recommendations that support the advantages of cowurine therapy while meeting the unique requirements of those with breast cancer.

Are there any side effects associated with using Jain's Cowurine Therapy for Breast Cancer?

Because our products are made with natural ingredients, there is less chance of negative side effects. However, for tailored guidance, it's best to speak with medical professionals.

Can Jain's Cowurine Therapy be used as a standalone treatment for Breast Cancer?

Our goods are meant to be used in addition to traditional therapies. Having professional consultations is essential for a thorough management strategy for breast cancer.