
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment


Irritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal-related digestive disorder in which the large intestine is affected. The portion of the intestinal tract that runs from the stomach to the anus is divided into the small intestine and the large intestine. The large intestine is also known as the large bowel or colon, which is the last part of the digestive system in the gastrointestinal tract and vertebrates that end with the anus. The large intestine absorbs moisture and water from food residues and the remaining waste material is excreted as feces.

The wall of the large intestine consists of a layer of muscle. By this, when this food is sent to the digestive system, then this muscle shrinks but when due to any reason these muscles start to shrink more than normal, the stomach of the person gets swollen. Inflammation leads to a weakening of the large intestine due to which it is not able to send food properly to the digestive system, causing the person to have irritable bowel syndrome. This disorder is usually long-term. In this case, a person has a large intestine, by which food comes out of the intestines rapidly or slowly due to which the person has problems like constipation or frequent diarrhea.


Jain’s cow urine therapy clinic aims for a happy and healthy life by integrating ancient Ayurvedic knowledge with modern technology. Our therapy means cow urine including Ayurveda works on a person’s three doshas that are- The Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These tri-energies maintain our health, any imbalance in these doshas, is responsible for human’s health and disease. We are glad to say that we have seen so many positive results through our treatment. Thousands of people got rid of many diseases after taking our treatment.

Our patients not only put an end to their disease but also live a disease-free healthy life forever. This is the reason why people are getting attention towards our therapy. Our years of research in Ayurvedic treatments have helped us advance our methodology. We aim to reach as many people as we can to build a healthy and happy society all over the world.

Effective Treatment By Cow Urine Therapy

According to the cow urine therapeutic method some herbs work to rejuvenate body defects (Vata, bile, and phlegm) which cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome if they are disproportionated. Some Ayurvedic medicines contain many beneficial ingredients to treat them. It improves the metabolism of the body.







Key herbs which makes the treatement more effective


Sonth effectively treats gastrointestinal symptoms, has antiemetic as well as pain-relieving effects. The extract may help decrease inflammation, make the stomach lining stronger, and promote movement in the intestines.


Amla is a natural laxative and can help in relieving constipation associated with IBS. It also helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Amla is basically an alkaline food, so it helps to balance the stomach acid levels and make the gut alkaline. An alkaline gut is essential for overall health and vitality.


It is known for its digestive properties and has antispasmodic properties. It also helps in relieving constipation. It can be used to relieve gas, bloating, and intestinal spasms. It's thought to relax the intestinal muscles and relieve constipation. It helps to treat IBS, symptom relief and less abdominal pain with positive results.


Its aromatic, digestive and stimulant properties help to treat digestive system-related problems. It helps to stimulate low digestive fire and promotes healthy digestion. It is also effective to stimulate the immune system.


Jeera extract is used for treating cramps, digestive spasms, nausea, and bloating associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This herb is able to treat its symptoms also. Jeera extract can be effective in improving all IBS symptoms.


Pudina might help manage the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) such as bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. This is due to its anti-inflammatory property that helps reduce chronic inflammation in the digestive tract.


The herb is found to be extremely beneficial in reducing inflammation and treating irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. Being a potent digestive agent, it stimulates the secretion of digestive juices thereby increasing the absorption of essential nutrients and enhancing digestion.


Kalmegh helps to manage inflammatory bowel disease because of its anti-inflammatory and Pitta balancing property. It improves the digestive fire and helps in better bowel movement.


Stomach problems like acidity, constipation and flatulence can be treated with tulsi leaves. Tulsi supports the digestive system and makes a person feel less bloated and more comfortable. Tulsi has the amazing potential to regulate cortisol levels and keep hormone levels balanced naturally.


It has been used as a digestive aid for thousands of years. Mulethi is believed to heal the digestive tract by increasing the body’s mucus-producing cells in the gastrointestinal lining. In addition to its benefits to digestion, it may also help fight inflammation, kill viruses, bacteria and parasites, and cleanse the colon.


Ghritkumari is useful for treating some of the symptoms associated with IBS, such as constipation and diarrhea. The anti-inflammatory properties of Ghritkumari may help to reduce gastrointestinal inflammation, which can contribute to IBS symptoms.


Baheda holds potential in improving lower GI symptoms and maybe a valuable and effective addition to standard treatment of IBS. Supplementation of its herbal formulations alone or along with other probiotics can be effective to treat all stomach problems.


Due to its cytoprotective (cell protective) activity, it increases the lifespan of these mucosal cells. Thus, it protects the stomach against acid attacks. Shatavari helps to manage stomach ulcers because hyperacidity is one of the primary causes of stomach ulcers. Shatavari helps in maintaining & improves irritable bowel syndrome.


Ashwagandha indicates that it helps regulate serotonin, and it may act as a pain reliever, preventing pain signals from traveling along the stomach. It may also have some anti-inflammatory properties which are effective in treating symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.


Brahmi balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and decalcifies the pineal gland. It is especially beneficial for balancing high Pitta conditions. Brahmi is used for improving memory, anxiety, attention, allergic conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, and as a general tonic to fight stress. It reduces anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, headaches, stomach discomfort caused due to stress.


Vidang is generally used to expel worms and parasites from the stomach due to its anthelmintic properties. It is beneficial for indigestion and also helps to manage constipation due to its laxative property.

Badi Elaichi

Badi Elaichi is used for digestion problems including heartburn, intestinal spasms, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, constipation, liver and gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite. It helps to stimulate the digestive enzymes and hence reduces bloating.


Haldi’s extract curcumin can alleviate abnormal intestinal contractions. Curcumin could be used to treat IBS and other ailments, such as diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Its potential healing properties come from curcumin, which is an anti-inflammatory compound it contains. Haldi is known for its potential to reduce IBS symptoms.


According to Ayurveda, one can manage the IBS or irritable bowel syndrome with hing. The aroma not only opens up your senses but also manages your IBS. It can relieve abdominal pain and constant constipation and also improves digestion and in the long run helps to relieve gas, acidity, and a bloated stomach.

Kali Mirch

It aids in digestion and helps in weight loss by improving the metabolism of the body. It is also useful in managing diarrhea due to its antidiarrheal and anti-secretory activity. Kalimirch is beneficial for treating IBS and its symptoms.


It is blessed with a richness of essential B vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B12 which plays a crucial role in stimulating the secretion of digestive juices and helps in the smooth functioning of the digestive system.

Cow Milk

Cow milk may help relieve constipation. It temporarily coats the lining of the stomach, buffering the acid in the stomach and making a person feel a bit better.

Cow Milk curd

It can help alleviate irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms since cow milk curd has probiotics or good bacteria, which helps put healthy bacteria back in the gut.

Cow Ghee

For IBS sufferers, ghee can also help with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K. Ghee packs in butyric acid, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Ghee is the best natural laxative. Ghee provides lubrication to the body and clears the intestine passage, which improves the movement of waste and reduces the risk of constipation.

Dalchini Powder

It has been used for centuries for treating digestion related disorders. It has disinfectant qualities and pain-relieving properties. It is especially helpful in reducing painful cramps of IBS. s Dalchini Powder is high in a substance with powerful medicinal Properties also loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Jaiphal Powder

The impressive array of nutrients in Jaiphal powder is known to promote digestion, improve brain functions, control blood pressure and stimulate liver health and ease pain. It is known to have medicinal properties that can treat stomach ulcers and it helps with easy digestion.


It contains antibacterial effects. It helps improve the movement of the intestines to better remove waste which can help treat constipation. It also stops the growth of bacteria within the GI tract.

Kewach Beej

Kewach Beej is a proven solution to gut complaints. It is also very effective in mending Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Kewach Beej is used as an adaptogen to help the body cope with daily stress and as a general tonic.

Shuddha Shilajit

Shilajit increased the carbohydrate/protein ratio and decreased gastric ulcer index, indicating an increased mucus barrier. Shilajit is an important drug that helps in the digestion and absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract and is also useful for the treatment of nausea, vomiting, and digestive disorders.


We use gojala in our cow-urine therapy, basically it means cow-urine extract, the main component in our medicine. This extract is made of the urine of the indigenous breeds of cow. Gojala has its own benefits because it’s beyond the possibility of any kind of contamination. It has high quality and is abundant. When gojala mixed with ayurvedic herbs it becomes more effective to treat any disease and favourable to the consequence of the particular disease. This extract is superimly tested and that’s why it’s more trustable and beneficial as well.

Quality of Life

Therapy of cow urine gives good health and maintains balance. Today, because of our treatment, people are constantly improving their health. It improves the quality of their daily life. Ayurvedic medicine and cow urine can be used as a complementary therapy to minimize various side effects caused by the use of heavy doses, mental stress, radiation, and chemotherapy. We teach people how to live a happy, stress-free life with incurable diseases. Thousands of people are living a balanced life after receiving our treatment. This is a great achievement for us to bring them the life of their dreams.

Complication Prevention

Gomutra often considered good for irritable bowel syndrome, has a special place in Ayurveda. Our years of work prove that some symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome almost disappear with our Ayurvedic herbs. Our patients feel a great relief in stomach aches and cramps, bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea, a greasy phlegm-like substance with feces, inability to clean the stomach at once, feeling of need to go to the toilet frequently, mild or high fever in weight loss, loss of appetite, etc. The herbal treatment we do improves the patient's immune system, which works favorably for other complications of irritable bowel syndrome.

Reducing Recurrence Chances

In comparison to wide-ranging general practice, we concentrate on the underlying cause of the disease and causes that may increase the chances of recurrence of the disease rather than relying exclusively on disease control. We are effectively decreasing recurrence rates by implementing this approach and providing a different path to the lives of people so that they can live their lives mentally and physically in a healthier way.

Causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Certain risk factors may increase the risk of irritable bowel syndrome, including -

  • Extreme stress

Excessive stress caused by a person can cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome. When a person is stressed, there is usually a release of hormones called adrenalin and cortisol from their glands called adrenal. Digestion due to excessive secretion of these hormones. Excessive secretion of these hormones causes irritation in the digestive system and inflammation in the digestive tract, which results in the person having irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Infection

Any bacterial or viral infection in the stomach can greatly increase the risk of irritable bowel syndrome for a person.

  • Weak immunity

The large intestine becomes sensitive due to a person's poor immunity, which can increase the risk of irritable bowel syndrome manifold.

  • Hormone changes

Hormonal changes in women can cause irritable bowel syndrome. These hormonal changes are usually more frequent in menstruation, which can cause irritable bowel syndrome by affecting their large intestine.

  • Some diseases

Some diseases and medical disorders such as bacterial overgrowth, mild celiac disease, and gastroenteritis can damage the intestines and trigger irritable bowel syndrome.

  • Food ingredient

Over-sensitivity to certain foods can cause a person with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Excessive intake of chocolate, carbonated beverages, alcohol, cabbage, dairy products, wheat, and fried fried spices can be responsible to increase the risk of Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

  • Some medicines

Side effects of steroids and antibiotics can increase a person's risk of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Long-term steroids and antibiotics can cause them to suffer from this problem.

  • Heredity

If the parents in the family have had the problem of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, then it is possible that their children have to face this problem due to heredity.

Prevention from Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Symptoms of this disease can be controlled by following some efforts -

  • One should insist on living a stress-free life.
  • One should consume fiber food, green vegetables, and fruits regularly.
  • Individuals should avoid consuming foods that increase the risk of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Regular excursions, yoga, exercises, and workouts help to keep the digestive system healthy along with the body.
  • Steroids and antibiotics should be consumed as little as possible.
  • One should maintain strong immunity.
  • A person should abandon habits like excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Knowing the family history of the disease can save a person from these symptoms to a great extent.

Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The following symptoms and signs point towards the problem of irritable bowel syndrome -

  • Abdominal pain and twitching
  • Stomach bloating
  • Having gas
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Smoothed phlegm in stool
  • Unclean stomach
  • Feeling the need to go to the toilet again and again
  • Mild or high fever
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of appetite


Types of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is mainly divided into the following three types.

IBS-D (diarrhea): In this type of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a person has frequent diarrhea problems.

IBS-C (Constipation): A person is prone to constipation, in this type of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

IBS-A (Mixed form): In this form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a person has diarrhea and sometimes constipation.

Complications of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

A person with Irritable Bowel Syndrome can experience many complications including -

  • In some cases of irritable bowel syndrome, the person's bowels may be damaged.
  • This disease highly affects the daily routine of a person.
  • In a serious condition, a person may have bleeding from the rectum.
  • This problem can cause serious conditions like hemorrhoids.
  • If there is a deficiency of essential elements in the body, the person may have a problem with malnutrition.
  • The person may have feelings of despair and depression.
  • The quality of life of the person is affected.



What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

Jain's Cowurine Therapy defines IBS as a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain, discomfort, and changes in bowel habits.

What causes IBS?

The causes of IBS, according to Jain's Cowurine Therapy, can include stress, dietary factors, and abnormalities in the gut flora.